Desperate relatives do not believe what happened to them, Smiljana was supposed to give birth at Christmas



10.09.2020. 22:07

“Smiljana was supposed to give birth at Christmas, and instead of looking forward to her great-granddaughter, I’m going to bury my granddaughter. God forbid, she better die.”

Smiljana Trivić

Smiljana Trivić, Photo: Facebook / Printscreen

“Smiljana was supposed to give birth at Christmas, and instead of looking forward to her great-granddaughter, I’m going to bury my granddaughter. God forbid, she better die.”

So said Nada Mataković, grandmother of Smiljana Trivić (35), a pregnant woman who died in an accident on the road near the Dobanovac circuit on Wednesday, when she was going to work in Surčin with three colleagues.

This was said on behalf of Kurir Nada Mataković, grandmother of Smiljana Trivić (35), a pregnant woman who died in a road accident near the Dobanovac circuit on Wednesday, when she was going to work in Surčin with three colleagues.

A neighbor was also injured

Predrag Gemović was an example, who also died in this collision, living not far from Smiljana with his sister.

– He went to work with his boss and died – said the deceased’s sister briefly, while the neighbors only had words of praise for him.

– It was a child for example, a great tragedy – said the neighbor.

– Worked in a company with Kristijan S., in administration. Since she was six months pregnant, she asked her to work another day, send her colleagues to work, and then go on sick leave. Everything was in perfect order, he went through all the exams, he felt great, through tears, says the grandmother, so she adds:

– She lived with us and had a boyfriend, she should have moved in with him. He looked after her, brought her breakfast, and bought her the burek. We were all looking forward to the baby.

She flew with the engine

Grandma says this isn’t the first car accident her granddaughter has had.

– When she was enrolling in college, she had a motorcycle accident with her then boyfriend. He flew a few meters, but he stayed alive, and my Smiljana broke her leg in two places, her arm was all bruised and peeled – said Nothing.
