Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry: Adoption of the plan for Makiš mal, without consulting the profession


Makiško polje

The dean of the Belgrade Faculty of Chemistry, Professor Goran Roglić, stated that the Belgrade Assembly made a wrong decision today when it adopted the Makiško polje construction plan without prior consultation with the citizens and relevant scientific institutions.

Members of the Belgrade Assembly approved today, with 61 votes in favor and two against, the Detailed Regulation Plan of Makiško polje, which provides for the construction of a residential and commercial settlement of 4.5 million square meters in the area. protected from the Makiško water intake, as well as stations and reservoirs for future metro. On the eve of the session, opponents of this project gathered in front of the Sava Center, who were prevented by the police and security from entering the room where the session was taking place.

Roglic told the Beta agency that the profession proposed that the adoption of the construction plan in Makis be postponed until the opinions of all the relevant institutions were obtained, but that the city authorities did not express them.

“I think the comments no longer serve any purpose, because everything that is being done has become meaningless. In the last period, scientists from the University of Belgrade and the Serbian Chemical Society have repeatedly pointed out that nothing should be built on Makiško polje without detailed analysis and study, more scientific institutions, because there is a justified danger that the city’s water supply could be permanently in danger, “Roglić noted.

The professor noted that the example of the adoption of the plan for Makiš once again demonstrated that the influence of the profession and science in Serbia is negligible.

“We tried to point out the risk of any conversion of the protected area in Makiško polje, but it obviously did not suit anyone. In that area, we simply must not build anything until we are 100 percent sure that the groundwater will not be in danger. nor contaminated, which supply the reni wells in the Makiški water intake, and from where drinking water is supplied to most of Belgrade ”, explained the dean of the Faculty of Chemistry.
