DARKO TASIC BRUTALLY BEATEN IN PRISON: Albanian policemen beat him while he was unconscious


Pantović said that Tasić relayed this information to him over the phone after returning to prison from the Appeals Chamber session, in which the defense appeal against the unreasonable and legally unfounded amount of the prison sentence to which Tasić was considered was condemned.

– As Darko told me, in the room where the police officers in charge of transporting the prisoners deliver the accused to the prison guards, someone hit him several times, tied up, very hard on the back of his neck, of which he lost consciousness due to a moment. He told me that he could not know and recognize the person who hit him, because they all had masks and the attack happened from behind. When he regained consciousness, he saw that his lip was also bleeding, says Pantović.

He adds that so far he has not had the opportunity to hear that any of the prisoners had similar problems with the jailers, while he cannot say the same of the members of the police they transport.

– Tasić reported the attack to the guards, but we do not know if they will initiate any proceedings due to this event. As early as tomorrow, I will ask the director of the high-risk prison near Podujevo to investigate this case and take action against the people who committed the attack – said Pantović.

At the end of June this year, the Prizren Court of First Instance, the Serious Crimes Department, sentenced Darko Tasić of Mala Kruša to 22 years in prison for war crimes, although according to criminal law, the so-called La Kosovo’s maximum sentence for war crimes is 15 years in prison.

Tasić was born in Mala Kruša, from where he was expelled with his family, and they continued his life in Šabac, and was arrested on November 22, 2017 at the Brnjak junction near Zubin Potok.

Since then, he has been held in a specialized high-risk prison near Podujevo.

(Kosovo online)

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