“COBRAS” ARE NO LONGER A MILITARY POLICE BATTALION: New order issued – this is what is happening with this unit now


According to Minister Vulin, the return of the status of the “Cobra” detachment is an act that shows that the value of this unit and the specificity of the tasks it performs have been recognized, the Defense Ministry announced.

The “Cobras” are no longer a military police battalion, the status of the detachment has been restored

– Thanks to that decision and that order, ‘Cobras’ will be able to do its job better and more efficiently. Your job is difficult, responsible, and we, as military leaders, are tasked with making your job at least a little easier and your existence more secure. The ‘cobras’ are our elite unit, dealing with some of the most important officials of the Serbian state. We have invested a lot in their equipment and training, and they are giving it back in the best possible way, said Vulin.

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Serbia

He noted that “cobras” are a unit of pride, from which much larger and richer armies can learn.

“Organizational changes have increased the speed of reaction, simplified the chain of command and the use of the unit, increased the number of jobs and the possibility of faster career advancement,” said Vulin.


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