CLAIMS ENCOURAGE “WAR DOGS” Despite the ship being baked on the battlefield, Stojanović’s assassin forgot the key.


Lovrenovic, who is originally from Croatia and has lived in Gradiska in the Republika Srpska for the past decades, spent his youth on the battlefields where, as suspected, he learned some skills that were recommended to the person who ordered Strahinja’s assassination. Stojanovic on September 13 this year in New Belgrade. .

– The specialists in the placing of explosives, at least the majority, have received military training. And most of these executions in Belgrade are related to the bombers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which were hardened on the battlefields. In Serbia, almost all bombers baked their art that way. There was only one citizen of Novi Sad, a civilian, as they say, who did not learn that skill in the army, but alone. He was an electrical engineer and manufactured explosive devices to order, but he did not place them – says the interlocutor of the security system.

More than two decades have passed since the wars in the territory of the former SFRY. In the military units they knew dynamite well, all its properties, they trained and in the following years they had the opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge acquired about the criminal scene in the Balkans.

– They are not old people, now they are middle aged people. They have knowledge in their hands, and over the years they should have gained their cool. They know how to install an explosive device without endangering their lives, just like Strahinja Raseta died trying to blow up a friend. They are not members of clans, criminal groups. These people work according to the principle: who pays them. The client hires them to make an explosive device, configure it, and kill the target. That is the task, they are not interested in the reason for the execution and they pay well for what they did – explains the interlocutor.

Although bombers generally operate independently, there is no question, however, that they must have logistical support.

– Strahinja Stojanović’s killer also knew how to increase the destructive effect of the bomb by putting nuts. On the other hand, it seems to me that the logistics required in a murder like this have failed. Was it done too fast, without good observation of the terrain and possible casualties? No serious professional killer would allow cameras to film him near the place of Stojanović’s liquidation. Cameras recorded the leak and its movement before the crime was reconstructed. Despite having a “trade” in his hands, he did not adapt his skills to new trends: security cameras and how to visit them. All this, I think, will cost you dearly, because even the person who ordered the execution of Stojanović will not react calmly to the possibility that the attacker falls into the hands of the police and betrays him – explains the interlocutor.

He also recalls that for those of the murders solved with explosives, the suspects are those who did not have points of contact with the set of explosive devices, such as, for example, Darko Dulović, who is accused of the liquidation of Siniša Milić Bosket. He left his biological traces on the device and this helped the researchers in their identification. Those “serious bombers”, with many years or, rather, decades of experience, do not leave fingerprints or DNA profiles on the explosive device. But each explosive device has the “stamp” of whoever manufactured and installed it, so investigators can link the settlements accordingly.

Explosives in a clan war

Explosives were also used in the current Kotor clan warfare. In that way, Djordjije Bozovic, Goran Biskupovic, Milos Bosnjak, Djordje Sekulovic, Milan Pekovic, Bosko Bozovic, Drazen Cadjenovic, Predrag Pedo Pejovic, Nikola Cupic, Petar Muhadinovic were killed, while Marko Martinovic, Dusko Roganovic, Dragan Damjanovic were injured by explosives. , Aleksandar Keković and Jelena Korać. None of these crimes have been solved, although at one point an associate witness, better known as Jadranko Jonski, said that the explosive placed under Dusko Roganovic’s car came from Novi Sad.

The disappearance of the Bosnian bombers

An explosive device, placed under the “damage” of Goran Mijatović Mita, president of FC “Bežanija”, in 2006, was created by a team from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Interestingly, the Slaviša Bilinac bomber lost track shortly after the explosives were planted and there has been no information about him for nearly 14 years.


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