Change in the “coup” issue in Montenegro


EPA / Boris Pejović

Knezevic and Mandic

Democratic Front leaders Andrija Mandic and Milan Knezevic said that a key witness in the “coup” proceeding, Mirko Paja Velimirovic, changed his earlier statement, accusing the two of being involved in the 2016 affair of the same name and admitting that he did everything. by order of prosecutors Milivoje Katnić and Sasa Čadjenović.

Mandic and Kezevic said at the press conference that Katnic and Cadjenovic were the “assemblers” of the “coup” affair.

Mandic said that in the amended statement, Velimirovic admitted that there were no weapons and that he counted everything according to the prosecutor’s directive.

– Now, the prosecutor Sasa Čadjenović should end up in prison, where he placed his cousin Mihailo Čadjenović, who was imprisoned for months in the justice of God – Mandić told reporters.

Milan Knezevic said that Mirko Velimirovic’s statement had already been sent by the Serbian Organized Crime Prosecutor’s Office to his colleagues in Montenegro, the Podgorica CdM portal reported.

– He (Velimirović) admitted that he was under pressure, that his family was burned, that he falsely accused the DF leaders. Velimirović admitted that everything was edited and that prosecutors forced him to say something. He admitted that he did everything according to Katnić’s instructions, Knezevic said.

He asked Katnić not to conceal this evidence and to forward it immediately to the Court of Appeal.

– We ask Ivica Stanković to finally initiate proceedings against Milivoj Katnić – Knezević stated.

Mandic also said that they hoped that after the Appeals Court panel’s election, the serious charges against him in the mounted court process and verdicts would be dropped, and responsibility would be transferred to Katnić and Čadjenović.

– Those editors and those murderers of human destinies and the changes in the situation in which Montenegro found itself must face, sooner or later, justice – said Mandic.

Knezevic and Mandic were each sentenced to five years in prison for allegedly participating in an attempted coup on Election Day four years ago.

Appeals against these verdicts are being considered.
