Captain Dragan: Let’s stop them!



18.10.2020. 11:46

Speaking about the persecution of the Serbs, Captain Dragan stated that there is no reciprocity in the crimes committed and the processes that are being carried out.

Captain Dragan

Captain Dragan, Photo: Dejan Briza

Dragan Vasiljkovic, better known as Captain Dragan He proposed the establishment of a legal aid office for Serbs who are on trial or sentence in Croatia.

Captain Dragan pointed out that he knew what it was like for people suffering in Croatian prisons only because they were born as Serbs because he himself was in that situation.

Many of them have been convicted of crimes, crimes that did not even occur. I know a man who is in jail for a bank robbery that never happened Kep said.

He noted that state aid would be of great importance if such an office were formed.

– Today I feel that I have a state behind my back, it is not like before. That’s why now is a good time and it would be very good to help the Serbs, to have legal help, to have someone come to them, to know that someone cares about them – says Captain Dragan.

Speaking of the persecution of the Serbs, Captain Dragan affirmed that there is no reciprocity in the crimes committed and the processes that are being carried out.

– All trials are being carried out against Serbs. The greatest victims of the war are being persecuted, how is it possible? Take a look at what is being done in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and how the trials and arrests of Serbs continue to be carried out. In Serbia, 90 percent of those convicted of war crimes are Serbs. Okay, let’s arrest those prosecutors! – Captain Dragan concluded.
