Business and finance: small stores will be more profitable than renting apartments


Renting small warehouses does not cost much and, although the initial investments are large, they pay back faster than renting an apartment, and it is one of the few markets in Serbia that is growing during the pandemic, writes the monthly “Business and Finance”.

Unlike in the EU, that business is still “in its infancy” in Serbia, but entrepreneurs dealing with it predict that it will become a “success” in three to five years.

“The new virus and the new way of constructing buildings are about two big reasons to ‘give birth’ to a new type of business in Serbia: renting a mini warehouse. The virus brought work from home, which is why more and more companies they cancel the commercial premises. Put them aside and save them for better times, “says the magazine.

There are fewer and fewer apartments in the new building that have pantries and basements, so people are looking for small, relatively cheap spaces where they can leave a surplus of things they don’t want to get rid of. The number of companies that rent mini-warehouses is not yet in double digits, in addition, for some it is not a basic job but more “investing in the future”, but in one all those who deal with this business agree: Mini-warehouses are a very profitable business in Europe and it will certainly be the same in Serbia in the future.

“Our experience shows that this work is profitable, because the business costs are not high and it does not require a large number of workers. It takes a bigger initial investment, but according to our budgets, it will pay off in about five to six years. it pays back faster than investing in renting an apartment ”, explains Zoran Stajić, owner of the family business” Toro Box “, the largest company in Serbia that deals with this type of rental.

According to his estimate, between one million and two million euros are needed for the initial investment, depending on whether the company already has its own land, while quality container-warehouses are around 4,000 euros. Today they are renting more than 200 small warehouses, have bought more land and are preparing 800 new facilities. The rental price is from 50 euros.

The company “Storage of Things” was founded 13 years ago and they moved in first. And then a new job was “born” from moving in, renting a small storage space. As they say, the corona virus helped their business “flourish.”

Of the clients, they have companies whose employees moved to work online, so they canceled the business space, until they reached the woman who has three children, and lives with her family in a small apartment, and that is why she keeps a chair of wheels, a bed and a seasonal wardrobe in your warehouse.

“Everything in our warehouses is safe because we make lists of when and what comes in and goes out, and we review everything in front of the customer. We also insure against theft and floods. Apart from this, the good years for this business were 2017 and 2018. Because, At least according to our experience, many foreign companies came to Serbia “, said Filip Savić, director of the company” Skladištenje stvari “.

He added that with increasing frequency, large cafes and restaurants guard their summer gardens.

Statistics show that every 10th household in the United States rents additional storage space. That, in fact, means renting a smaller warehouse and it is estimated that there are more than 48,500 of them across the United States. Companies that rent and maintain “private warehouses” raise about $ 24 billion a year.

In Poland, a company franchised this type of business. Their experience has shown that it is important that warehouses are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The entire complex must be at least 1,000 square meters and be located in the central area of ​​the city. If possible, the rental period should be as flexible as possible, says “Business and Finance.”
