17.10.2020. 19:44
Temerin and Bac police seized various types of narcotics, weapons and ammunition and arrested Temerin residents DB (40) and DZ. Š. (47), while criminal charges will be filed against two other Bac residents, ages 30 and 28.

Arrest, Photo: Alo.rs
A statement from the Novi Sad police specifies that DB and DŽ.Š. Suspicion of the crime of unauthorized production and distribution of narcotic drugs, while Bacan will be charged with the same crime, as well as illicit production, possession, carrying and trafficking of weapons and explosives.
Should the penalties for drug trafficking be increased?
During a search at the apartment in Temerin, where D. B is staying without reporting, the police found a total of 33.64 grams of amphetamines, 150 tablets from the list of psychoactive substances, a small amount of heroin and measuring equipment for marijuana and narcotics.
Code J. Sh, who was found in that department using drugs, the police found 32 packages of heroin, it is stated in the announcement posted on the website of the Ministry of the Interior.

Arrest, handcuffs, Photo: Hello / Vladimir Markovic
D. B, who is also accused of the crime of allowing the use of narcotics, was detained for up to 48 hours and will be brought before the Superior Prosecutor of Novi Sad.
For J. Š. A court order was issued and he was taken to the Novi Sad District Prison.
In Bac, the police found around 58 grams of amphetamines, 11.60 grams of marijuana, 372 tablets from the list of psychoactive substances, a gas pistol and a total of 40 bullets in the apartment of the two mentioned premises.