Boško Obradović has a place in the political sewer of Dragan Đilas


Sandra Bozic, a member of the Main Board of the Serbian Progressive Party, responded harshly to the accusations of Dveri leader Bosko Obradovic, who again attacked President Aleksandar Vucic and his brother Andrej, saying their place was “in the political sewer of Dragan Djilas “. He points out that “in a predictable and expected way, and without much intelligence today, one of the biggest spiders on the political scene, lost in confrontations with himself, dared to speak of courage, honesty and crime.”

photo: print screen

– How absurd is the opposition scenario in Serbia in the problem of which he demonstrated his courage with violence against women, honesty stealing saints, and his connection with crime is so direct and undeniable, embodied in the first associates, convicted drug traffickers. And in all likelihood, it is very possible that she will give her next interview from the prison cell; Božić stated and added:

– The attacks against the President of Serbia and his family have been going on for days and weeks. The bestial feathers of rookie Dragan Đilas compete in the monstrosity of outbreaks of disease under the sacred cloak of media freedom. Considering that Boško has always served Dragan Đilas in exchange for small bribes, he is still blatantly used to attack Andrej Vučić, brother of the President of Serbia, for who knows how many times. We have been hearing for weeks the unhealthy placement of false news in indescribable quantities, which reality itself denies. But even when it is clear that everyone lied, and that Andrej does not own land or bakery, and that his only “sin” is that he is the brother of the president of the state, it is not enough, because the Goebbels matrix must continue – declared a member of the OSC SNS.

As he stressed, “it is quite understandable that Djilas, Obradovic, Jeremic and the rest of the criminal association have no other option.”

– Besides the truth, they did not pass, and if they stopped the attacks, they would have to talk about themselves. And what to talk about Crime, theft, corruption and ruthless commerce were in every pore of government and state. The only thing they can tell us is that they were small and that they want more and that they don’t know otherwise. Today, Boško Obradović proves once again that its use value is less than that of toilet paper, but also that its place is in the political sewer of Dragan Đilas – declared Božić.

Photo / Source: Kurir /

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