BODYROGA AT THE FUNERAL, THE ANPHILOHIA COULD NOT POWER The basketball player INTERRUPTED the journalist with words that make him cry: It’s irreparable!


Legendary Serbian basketball player Dejan Bodiroga was in Podgorica for the Holy Liturgy and funeral of the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, Amfilohije, at the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ.

One of the best European basketball players went to Podgorica to pay tribute to Amfilohije as a man of great importance to the faith and the people of this area.

“We came to pay tribute to the great cleric, the spiritual community, the great man, for all that he did for the Serbian Orthodox Church and for the Serbian people. Not only here in Montenegro, for the preservation of Serbian identity and the Serbian church, but for all Serbs. A great person, an exceptional man in every way. It is a great honor for me to be here today to pay our respects and send him to eternal rest, said Dejan Bodiroga for

He followed the question of the loss of Amfilohije Radović, and after a few words from the journalist Bodiroga, he interrupted with an emotional reply:

– He is irreplaceable … We all know how much he was appreciated, not only by the Orthodox, but throughout the Christian world, and one of our most respected clergymen. That is why the loss is irreparable.

The Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, Amfilohije Radović, passed away in Podgorica on Friday and has been treated for the corona virus at the Clinical Center since October 6.
