Boban Stojanović on the new government


We all know that the formation of the Serbian Government depends on one person, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. These three months show citizens, as H1 interlocutors claim, that Serbia does not even need the Prime Minister and ministers because all matters are resolved in Andrićev venac.

“Forming a government in such difficult, complex, complex conditions in the world is very important so that we can in the best possible way with new energy and a lot of strength, but also the loyalty that we have to show to our own country, to be able to respond to such challenges. in the best possible way, “Vučić believes.

Therefore, the cabinet of the Serbian Government in Nemanjina is waiting for new ministers who can respond to the world’s greatest challenges. They must be elected by the designated prime minister proposed by the president of Serbia.

“Now we will get a de facto one-party government, and all we are waiting for now is to play with one man, who is Aleksandar Vučić, because it is known that he will elect the Prime Minister and all the ministers,” says political scientist Boban Stojanović.

Until he announces when he was elected, President Vučić is serving as ministers, although he does not have the constitutional authority to do so. For example, participate in determining the height of the minimum.

“We will probably make the decision to raise the minimum. Now listen to the state’s situation: unionists come to the meeting and say give us 25 percent, now you say: Wait, what are you talking about,” Vucic said recently as a guest on Serbian radio and television. .

Or determine when and how many surprises there will be for a certain population.

“I can’t promise, but we will try to surprise pensioners again with some one-time payments, we will try to surprise if we have a decent budget situation,” Vucic also said.

And there is already a plan of how much the pension of pensioners will increase next year.

“For those who had a pension of 20 thousand dinars in 2012, their pension will reach 27,499 dinars,” said the president.

So in nine years, the minimum pension will be increased by 7,000 dinars, as the president says, and the budget for 2021 is already being created and the resigned Prime Minister Ana Brnabić and the resigned Finance Minister Siniša Mali are working on it.

“The president is doing everything, he will continue to do everything, but my position is somehow to have at least on paper what every state should have, and we know that you will continue to govern without restrictions,” he said. Stojanovic.

Parliament must elect the president and then the prime minister designated by the minister who will be sworn in before the deputies.
