Biden announces shift in US approach when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija


US presidential candidate Do Biden said he would reverse, as he claimed, the Trump administration’s “lopsided approach” toward Serbia and so-called Kosovo.

Source: Tanjug



This will happen by restoring, in his opinion, “justice and equality in relationships.”

In the document “Vision for relations with Albania and Kosovo”, Biden talks about his plans for future relations in the Balkans and states that as a senator he defended the interests of Kosovo when the focus of the world was elsewhere and supported its independence, which he said was an irreversible process. Reporters from the Pristina portal.

Biden pledged to work in partnership with the European Union to reinvigorate the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, with the goal of stabilization, a just solution and a comprehensive agreement that, he said, “respects the territorial integrity of Kosovo and achieves full mutual recognition.” .

He also announced that he will insist that justice for war crimes be administered without fear and will demand full and swift accountability for the missing, including the Bitii brothers, Reporters reports.

The document states that Biden will “encourage” the EU to fulfill its promise to give citizens the so-called Kosovo to approve visa liberalization and take further steps to improve the integration of so-called Kosovo into the EU, including the Agreement. of Stabilization and Association.
