Belivuk’s group investigation: there is more and more evidence, those who have been silent until now appear


Aleksandar Vulin is in a special show dedicated to RTS investigations of the Belivuk-Miljković group and the fight against organized crime, noted that there is growing evidence that research is progressing.

“When we got to their phones, we searched their facilities, cars, so new evidence is already starting to be found,” Vulin said.

When people see that the condition is serious, Vulin pointed out, then those who were harmed by Belivuk’s group also appear, but for some reason they did not report it.

“Of course, there are many among them who are willing to speak and who want to say what they have,” says the minister.

As for the machines that arrived in Serbia and that helped decode the 44 phones seized in the investigation, Vulin points out that it is high technology that not many countries in the world have.

When asked if “Sky” phones will remain legal, Vulin said he believes that any possession of this phone should be a crime.

“Why do you need it? Since when are you hiding and why are you hiding, I defend it to be a crime,” Vulin emphasized.

Regarding the case of the wiretapping of President Vučić and his family, Vulin claimed that it was more than was found.

“It was done constantly over a period of several years and it is obvious that it was done with malicious intent, there is no other explanation. Those 1,572 telephone conversations that we ran into, we listened to, no one was protected, there is no conversation,” he said. . is Vulin.

“There is no organized crime without members of state agencies”

The prosecutor and president of the association of judges and prosecutors, Nenad Stefanović, highlighted the importance of the cooperation of witnesses in investigations and recalled the case of the Zemun clan.

He pointed out that there are no organized criminal groups without those who are members of state organs: police, security services, judiciary.

“We also hope that a branch of the investigation will go in that direction, because most of the police, judges and prosecutors are honorable people, but we carry the burden of that minority non-stop,” said Stefanovic.

As for the wiretapping of the president, Stefanović assessed that it is scandalous that the highest state officials are tapped without a legal basis.

“Every criminal group uses violence and murder”

Criminal Police University professor Zoran Đurđević said that each criminal group uses violence and murder to achieve its goals, and they differ depending on who does it and how it does it.

“Killings by organized criminal groups have a higher level of professionalism. We even have cases of specially trained people, hit men,” says Djurdjevic.

The thing to keep in mind, the professor added, is that some highly organized criminal groups avoid solving “problems” with murders first, because that way they go under the radar of the prosecution and the police.
