
Photo: Printscreen / Magazin In
Nada Topčagić experienced an unusual shock a month ago when he arrived at his home in Krašići in Montenegro and found destroyed furniture and the rest of the interior.

She and her husband Zlatko Djordjevic first thought that thieves broke into their apartment by the sea, because the scene was horrible, similar to the one that happened after the search. But it was soon established that there were no thieves, only plagues. These are downstairs (a type of rodent) that entered Nada’s house through the half-open windows and created chaos.
– You can’t imagine what they did to my house. They ate the furniture, everything inside. They even ate half the bottle. When the stroke didn’t hit me then, I think it never will, the singer cried when we invited her to comment.

Zlatko continued and explained to us how the down entered his home in Krašići.

– We left the windows of the statue open, we had to do it because of the humidity, and we have mosquito nets on top, so we were convinced that nothing would happen. However, the down broke the mosquito net and entered. I found two fluff in the toilet bowl, they went in there to drink water, and I also found some small fluff in the kitchen sink. It’s terrible what they did. We throw away the furniture, paint the walls and disinfect all the corners – complained the singer’s husband. Topcagic arrived in Belgrade last week and plans to stay here for a few more days, after which she and her husband will go to their cabin in Tara, where they spent most of their time during the corona virus pandemic.
Kurir.rs/ I. Ercegovčević / Photo: Printscreen / Magazine In

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