BAKIR LIVES FOR WAR CONFLICTS: The Republika Srpska’s harsh reactions to recent threatening statements by SDA leaders


This is the basic message of the Republika Srpska after the threatening statements of the SDA leaders made on the first day of the New 2021. The interlocutors of “Novosti” agree in the assessment that Bakir Izetbegović does not want regional cooperation and progress, but a return constant to the past and mention of the war, in addition to emphasizing that only Bosnians are victims, while not mentioning Serbs and Croats at all.

Radovan Kovacevic, advisor to the Serbian member of the presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Milorad Dodik and spokesman for the SNSD, says that the latest statements by Bakir Izetbegovic are further proof that “those who started the war never accepted peace.”

– Bakir Izetbegović, SDA and Bosniak Sarajevo will never be able to get out of the matrix of war. That Sarajevo policy is unacceptable for the Republika Srpska, but also for the entire region, Kovacevic told us.

As he pointed out, Bosnia and Herzegovina needs peace, regional cooperation and partnership with Serbia and Croatia, as well as with other countries in the region.

– Investments, economy, new jobs, that is the policy that the Republika Srpska defends, and not the policy of conflict and insults, as we often hear from the Bosnian political body led by Izetbegović – says Kovačević.

Nenad Stevandić, director of the Serbian Club in the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina and president of United Srpska, points out that Bakir Izetbegović should first reconcile with himself and then address the region.

– Without mutual cooperation and respect in the region, but also in Bosnia and Herzegovina itself, we will never live in peace or prosper – says Stevandić.

He points out that Bakir Izetbegović is the one who constantly tries to create tense relations with Serbia and Croatia.

– It is obvious that Sarajevo does not even think about apologizing to the Serbs for everything they did to them in the war of the 1990s, but come on, if they do not want to apologize to the Serbs, then at least behave normally and respect others peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as our neighboring Serbia. and Croatia – notes Stevandić.

According to him, conflicts with Serbia are constantly being created artificially from Sarajevo and now, more and more often, also with Croatia.

– Bakir Izetbegović and the Sarajevo Bosnian body politic forget that Bosnia and Herzegovina is between Serbia and Croatia and that these two countries are guarantors of the Dayton Agreement that ended the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is complete political folly to provoke a dispute with Serbia and Croatia. In terms of behavior, Izetbegović and the people around him focus on conflict, not cooperation. The Bosnian political leadership, led by Bakir, is still alive in the 1990s, Stevandic concluded.


In a CONVERSATION for the portal, Izetbegović also said that Bosnia and Herzegovina only needs an active High Representative, commenting on the announcements of the departure of Valentin Inzko from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

– I think Mr. Christian Schmidt would be a good move. Anyone who comes from Germany is a friend of this country – said Izetbegović.

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