At the age of 3 he learned to write, graduated with the highest grades, and still WITHOUT JOB!


Our “princess of knowledge” Milica Jokanović lost her job. Although everyone has their problems, the public is outraged that smart people have been slapped like this. She says her mission is to keep promoting knowledge, so let the solution remain in the consciousness of others.

Milica Jokanović would rather be a photographic model than officially the fourth woman on the planet in terms of knowledge. As a law graduate, he has delighted viewers with quizzes for years, especially on “Chase” on RTS, where he plays the role of one of the search engines. There she was nicknamed the “Princess of Knowledge”. Unfortunately, Milica lost her job at a state institution in June of this year and is now living on unemployment benefits. Patience and the desire to be even better in everything are the only way to fight this rare young woman, who hopes not to leave Serbia.

With his knowledge, education and clarity, he has defeated everyone who stood in his way in the competitive world of game shows. Then he barely got a job and ended up losing it.

What did you think when they told you that you were redundant?

– It was very difficult for me, but times are hard, those things happen around us. I believe that happier days will come and that in the future there are many opportunities for me to show all that I can.

Was it a permanent employment relationship?

– Yes, the relationship was indefinite and they declared me excess. Many employers are now forced to do the same.

You have a law degree with the highest qualifications. Did you want to be a lawyer?

– Yes, I’ve always wanted that. I love my profession because it makes people real people, standing firmly on the ground with both feet. The work of a lawyer is rational, and I love that, because it makes me realistically evaluate the situations and people around me. We all need that daily dose of reality. Sometimes I blame myself for being a little dreamy, both emotionally and when evaluating various people, for example friends, but over time I try to change and look critically at the world around me.

Unfortunately, you are living proof that a good general education is unnecessary, which for many years discourages the very young from learning. Knowledge is said to be power. Well is it?

– I wouldn’t trade my knowledge for anything in the world. Education constitutes the inner spiritual life of man. However, there are young people who look for role models more in people of intellectual type than in the distorted values ​​that are omnipresent today. It makes me very happy and gives me hope and a vision of a happier future. Spiritual wealth and general knowledge are of inestimable importance. I do not have role models in my personal life or in the questionnaire, I believe that each person is unique, different and authentic, and a stimulus for himself.

How does your family experience their unemployment?

– My father died seven years ago, it is very difficult for my mother and me. My father was a scholar, one of the most educated people I have ever met in my life. He was a history teacher and author of three published books and one unpublished on economic history, for which my mother and I posthumously sought a publisher. My mother is very supportive, both in the questionnaire and in my personal life.


You escaped from your native Zenica during the wars of the nineties. Were you a child prodigy?

– I learned to read and write at the age of three, but I am still a normal girl. When I was three years old, the television was on and the presenter from Zagreb read the letters from the first set of the “Numbers and Letters” quiz. I started reading the newly ordered letters before the presenter said them because I decided what letters they were exactly. Father and mother couldn’t believe it. I learned to read completely on my own. And that was the beginning of it all.

photo: Printscreen RTS

Do you have traumas from that time?

– War is a difficult thing, but we have to deal with it. I will never forget my homeland. It is a city of wonderful and happy people, where I received my first encyclopedia as a gift from my father.

What were your reasons for entering the quiz shows? Do you prove yourself in an honest and fair way? Or for fun?

– I believe that the promotion of knowledge is the most important mission that a young and educated person can have. Knowledge is the greatest wealth that one can possess, it carries with it spirituality, which cannot be bought with money. In “Chase,” the contestants and I are on each other’s lines solely in terms of knowledge.


What do you know best?

– Promote education as a basic value. My hobbies are literature, art cinema, fitness and swimming. My favorite writers are Gabriel García Márquez, Isabel Allende and Mo Yen, whose fifth novel I am currently reading. With a good dose of sarcasm, his novels, although difficult subjects, make me feel in another dimension. I also like movies with a dose of humor, “The Big Lebowski” by the Cohen brothers, as well as some achievements by Spanish director Alex de la Iglesia. I believe that art in all its forms ennobles people and makes the world in which we live a more beautiful place.

What is the right job for you? You act like you are capable of anything.

– The wide range of my interests opens me up to a wide range of occupations that potential future employers can offer me. I think I would do well in any legal role, be it in the courts, administration or any other legal field.

Would you leave Serbia in search of work? To avoid another moment …

– I hope I don’t have to do that. I love my country and life in it.


With your whole mind, you are extremely beautiful, self-aware, and serious. You tell yourself that you are an ordinary girl. Taking care of your appearance is as easy as learning and remembering well?

– All aspects of life must be taken into account, including the aesthetic. It is important that you take care of yourself. I try to swim and jog as much as I can, and regularly do fitness workouts at home. I eat healthy and I like to prepare fruit smoothies or a vitamin cocktail. However, I have a vice: I can’t resist raspberry pie.

photo: Printscreen RTS

(Ljilja Jorgovanovic, Photo: Screen Printed)

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