As long as he is president, there will be no recognition of Kosovo and Metohija


“Until April 2022, when the presidential and parliamentary elections will be held in Serbia, Belgrade will certainly not recognize the independence of Kosovo,” Vucic said on a special program. First He was asked if he ruled out the possibility of Serbia recognizing Kosovo and Metohija.

“After that, the people decide,” Vucic said.

Ivo Viskovic, a political science professor and former Serbian ambassador to Berlin, said that this would certainly not happen in the foreseeable future, but that one could never say “no” in politics.

Igman Initiative Co-Chair Milan Antonijevic noted that it depends on many factors and the time frame in which we live.

“Some things that happened this year we could not predict. Some things that bring us closer to the EU can bring us different initiatives and we need to have clear initiatives on what is changing for citizens. In the short future there will certainly be no recognition,” he said. .

President Vučić said he thought the best question was “whether he is in favor of recognition or not” and said the answers would be “yes, yes and no”.

Viskovic said the president was wrong.

He noted that, when he handed over his credentials in Berlin, he spoke with one of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s advisers, and that in that conversation he told the German presenter that the recognition of Kosovo and Metohija cannot be counted on the basis of the emotions of the 75 % of Serbs.

“He told me then that politics is not based on emotions, and I replied, when there are so many people with those emotions, then it is politics,” he added.

Antonijevic also said he would answer “no”.

To those responses, Vučić said that he was happy to hear that, because in other statements by Antonijević and Visković, it sounded different.

Serbia is militarily neutral, will not join NATO

When asked if he sees Serbia in NATO, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia will not join NATO because it is a neutral military country.

“I think it is the best position, to protect our country, the sky and our people and we will continue to behave like that,” Vucic said in a program on Tv first.

On the same question, the FPN professor, Ivo Visković, said that he does not see our country in NATO in the near future, but believes that in the future it will depend on what happens in the world.

Igman Initiative co-chair Milan Antonijevic answered the same question that he does not see Serbia in NATO now, but that Serbia’s entry into that alliance is something that may happen in the foreseeable future.

I am afraid of “twisted things” for Bosnia and Herzegovina and the efforts of the SDA.

Speaking about Bosnia and Herzegovina, the President of Serbia stated that he is afraid of things that are well packaged, with a bow, on the issue of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as what the SDA stands for publicly.

“SDA is a serious, largest and most powerful political party in Bosnia and Herzegovina, they held their congress and passed a resolution on constitutional reform and electoral legislation and said they see Bosnia and Herzegovina divided into legislative, executive and judicial powers, but organized at the state, regional and local level. level of government, “Vučić said in Tv first.

The SDA argues that the regional level of government consists of five or more multi-ethnic regions, but there are not two entities, nor the Republika Srpska, Vucic emphasized.

“What is cooking and what is rolling behind the shore … because no one says exactly what it is about, but everything is packed in a beautiful box with a colored bow – we will create a wonderful and functional state, and that means taking the powers away from the Republika Srpska. ” noted the president of Serbia.

In a way, he adds, that Srpska no longer makes sense for its existence and that then it would be that functional state.

“The SDA states for the city of Sarajevo: We will strive for the administrative area of ​​the city of Sarajevo to include the entire territory of Sarajevo before the war with at least 10 municipalities within the wider region. This means that there will no longer be a complete Eastern Sarajevo, Lakovica, Pale and other Serbian municipalities. Public defense of the largest party in Bosnia and Herzegovina “.

Vučić claims that he asked this question to everyone who is playing with him in the world, as well as Angela Merkel twice, and told them that he is afraid of those twisted things and what it really means.

Serbia is not destroying Bosnia and Herzegovina

He pointed out that Serbia is not causing destruction in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but that Serbia has fundamentally changed and strengthened, and that it has the right to stand alone and help its people according to the law.

Regarding the relationship between Serbia when it comes to Bosnia and Herzegovina and RS, Vučić said on TV Prva that Serbia has so far faced the fact that it only has to lose in politics, but that is no longer the case.

Milan Antonijevic of the Open Society Fund assessed that Vucic was talking about territorial integrity and that he was skipping the sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina, that he was talking about hydroelectric power plants in Drina with RS and that he was skipping Sarajevo.

Vučić replied that he was talking about territorial integrity, and not about the sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina, because sovereignty is divided into two entities and the relationship of the central authorities with the two entities, and that there is no bad intention in that.

Regarding the energy agreement with RS, it indicates that it was not signed in those projects that are Drina-Drina, with BiH, but where that river is located in the territory of RS.

He points out that he went to Sarajevo almost as many times as he did to Banja Luka and that he takes care of that.
