25.11.2020. 13:48
Vesić said that we can be proud of the fact that the state of Serbia has created a legal framework in recent years in which women, as victims of violence, are protected, but that there are still a large number of reports of violence, regardless. of the strictest legal sanctions.

Police, Photo: Alo.rs/M.Š.
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Deputy Mayor of Belgrade, Goran Vesić, today visited the Center for Social Work in Zvezdara and said that today is an opportunity to remember what has been done to eradicate violence, but also that it is in our society. remains present and we encourage all victims of violence to report it.
Vesić said that we can be proud of the fact that the state of Serbia has created a legal framework in recent years in which women, as victims of violence, are protected, but that there are still a large number of reports of violence, regardless. stricter legal penalties.
He stated that 3,882 new reports of violence were registered in Belgrade in the first ten months of this year, and that a total of 11,618 victims of violence were registered, and said that we must work not only to toughen legal norms, but also to educate people in which violence should be what kind is not the solution to any problem.
“When we say that we had 3,882 new reports, rest assured that there are many more cases of violence that, unfortunately, are still not reported because many women do not dare and do not understand that now there is a legal possibility and protection mechanisms and that they must dare to report any kind of violence, “Vesic said.

Vesić, Photo: city of Belgrade
She recalled that the City of Belgrade, among other things, provides financial support to victims of domestic violence, adding that in the first ten months of this year, that aid was used by an average of 19 women per month.
Vesić said the City Center for Social Work has been treating perpetrators of dating violence for eight years, adding that they are perpetrators of violence who are aware that they have committed violence, who admit it and want to change their behavior.
He stated that some 300 people have undergone such treatment so far, adding that currently 16 men are included in the treatment.
“Through treatment at the City Social Work Center, they are learning to control themselves, not to behave as they did and not to endanger their wives anymore,” Vesić explained.
He said that today is an opportunity to remember what has been done to eradicate violence, but also to remember that violence is still present in our society, that there is much more than what was reported and to encourage all victims of violence. Report it because, as he pointed out, suffering violence is never the solution.
The city’s Social Protection Secretary, Natasa Stanisavljevic, said that significant funds were set aside this year to invest in the facilities of the social work centers, citing as an example the Zvezdara social work center, where, she added, the ceiling, all rooms were painted and completely new lighting installed.
“This is one of the largest facilities of social work centers in Belgrade, and 9.5 million dinars have been earmarked for these purposes. In this way, employees got better working conditions,” Stanisavljevic said, adding that he plans to continue in the future. Continue with those investments.
The director of the Center for Social Work of the City of Belgrade, Zorica Pavlović, appealed to all citizens who suffer violence to trust the institutions and report violence.
“The law gave us ample possibilities, provided for multisectoral cooperation, which I assure you works extraordinarily,” he said.