APARTMENTS, CARS, 11 MILLION ENVELOPES The new prize game could now break all records


More than 11 million envelopes arrived the last time the state hosted the “Count and Win” prize game, and now the expectations of the organizers are much higher. Considering that the prize fund, which includes apartments in Belgrade’s most elite locations and dozens of cars, the number of envelopes received could easily reach 20 million.

“The results of the previous awards game were excellent, now we have high expectations,” said Finance Minister Siniša Mali.

Among other things, 60 “Fiat 500L” cars, 10 apartments in the Zemunska Kapija settlement and two in Belgrade on the water will be distributed.

 Photo: Stevan Ranković / RAS Serbia

The “Count and Win” prize game aims to suppress the shadow economy, which takes 15 percent of Serbia’s GDP, or about $ 6 billion in cash.

The state declared 2017 and 2018 the years of struggle against it, and one of the ways was to hold the prize game “Take the bill and win”. Citizens collected tax bills and sent them to participate in this game.

“When we do not accept the invoice at the checkout, we give the merchant the opportunity not to pay VAT on what we buy. So they don’t have to account for it. When we accept the invoice, it is a sure way that VAT is paid and there is no gray economy “.

The “Count and Win” prize game was first organized in March 2017 with a prize fund worth 135 million dinars. The second cycle was organized in early 2018, had two rounds with four draws each, and up to 41 percent of citizens participated in the game, sending 11 million envelopes. In this cycle, 291 prizes were distributed for a total value of 257 million dinars.

  Photo: ATV / RAS Serbia

The state is starting a grand prize again, and these are the rules.

  • invoices will be valid from September 1
  • All adults with permanent or temporary residence on the territory of Serbia have the right to participate
  • participants in the prize game will not pay the postal service when sending envelopes
  • There will be two rounds, and all envelopes received in the first will participate in the second round.
  • the envelope must have 10 fiscal accounts
  • the minimum value of each account must be 100 dinars
  • the first round will be completed by the new year
