ANOTHER PROOF THAT THE SO-CALLED KOSOVO IS NOT A STATE: Kurti may be prime minister, but not candidate for parliament


It points out that political dimension of the so-called judicial case, which would be in the next parliamentary elections in the so-called Kosovo, scheduled for February 14, could affect the fate of Albin Kurti, holder of the list and leader of the strongest political option currently in Kosovo.

In the “state” of Kosovo: Can’t run for parliament, but can run for prime minister

The fact that Kurti has committed a crime in the last three years, according to the law, disqualifies him from the position of MP, according to the interpreters of the rule of law there. While some interpreters of Kosovo’s constitution say that it does not stipulate that someone must be a deputy to be elected prime minister, there are those who argue that he will not be able to be prime minister because, by law, a person sentenced to more than six months in prison, cannot can be employed in public service.

However, the prevailing opinion is that Kurti may be the prime minister and that he is the most serious candidate for that post after the early parliamentary elections.

The case of Sulejman Selimi, convicted of war crimes, points out that everything in the “false Kosovo” is “false”, and that was not an obstacle to his being appointed adviser to the then Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, despite he was on probation.

– What we do know is that Kurti was sentenced to a suspended sentence. Therefore, there was no effective punishment and now it is again a question of interpreting whether formally it may be an obstacle for him to be at the top of the list, or in the list of parliamentary candidates in general. But that should not be an obstacle for him to be elected Prime Minister of the so-called Kosovo – says Celic.

A boomerang for those who want to disable Kurti

However, he says that the case has a political dimension, because it can be a good free campaign for his list and for his electorate, which remains the majority in Kosovo and Metohija, and can only strengthen voters in the decision to vote for the self-determination list.

-It could be a boomerang that will return to those who, through this type of quasi-legal obstacles, are trying to prevent Kurti from being on the electoral list – Celic thinks.

After all, according to Kossev, Kurti is one of the 47 candidates for state positions for whom the Judicial Council is the so-called Kosovo assessed that they have problems with the law.

No tectonic changes

Celic does not believe that the supposed respect for the law in the electoral process, which would eliminate those who are not clean before the law, could lead to some new politicians.

He says he doesn’t believe in these kinds of tectonic shifts in the Albanian electorate in Kosovo and Metohija. It is polarized between the electorate that supports the leaders of the war, that is, the Albanian leaders who bled their hands in the crimes during 1998 and 1999 in Kosovo and Metohija, while the other party, mostly younger, is linked to self-determination and Kurti, which is no less extreme. On the contrary.

– It is not realistic to expect significant changes either in the Albanian electorate or in any political leadership. What both variants have in common is anti-Serbian chauvinist extremism, which is unquestionable on both sides, and which will be a constant that the rest of Serbia and the Serbian people will have to count on in the fight for Kosovo and Metohija – he concluded.


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