Talks about the formation of a new government will continue after the visit of the US delegation to Serbia, which will also include special envoy Richard Grenel, Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said tonight, adding that media accusations about personal solutions in the new government are wrong.
“Everything that is written in the newspapers is not true,” Dacic said on TV Pink when asked about speculation in the media that he was willing to resign Slavica Djukic Dejanovic and Goran Trivan in the new government, but not to Branko Ruzic.
He reiterated that personal solutions were not discussed, and when asked if he sees himself in the new government, he says that he does not like that type of question because, he adds, these are not topics that should be discussed on television.
“I have said many times before and after the elections that we are ready to continue cooperation with Aleksandar Vučić and the SNS. We are all aware that Vučić and the SNS have a majority even without us. The decision on this will certainly be made by the winner. “Dačić said. .
He said that he spoke with Vučić about the government more than a month ago, and that in the meantime there were important events in Washington and Brussels, and that an American delegation would also come to Serbia.
He says that the negotiations on the new government will continue in the following period, that he will serve as minister, work normally and have communication with the office of the President of Serbia.
“We’ll see what happens next in a few weeks,” Dacic said.
He also stated that the Serbian Assembly session should continue and that a madatar should be appointed.

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