Ana Brnabić: Crisis staff Tuesday on measures for the New Year


Prime Minister Ana Brnabić announced that a crisis staff session would take place on Tuesday, at which a decision would be made on measures for the New Year.

Brnabic said last night that communication between government officials and Crisis Staff experts is excellent, although there is sometimes disagreement.

“The medical part deals with the protection of the health system and the health of the citizens, and I, as prime minister and other economic part of the crisis personnel, have to see some other things, how these measures affect the economy.” This fight is tremendously expensive, it costs us around or even more than a million euros every day. “The tests alone bring in around 700-720,000 euros a day, when you have 20,000 tests,” Brnabic told Kurir TV.

It is a serious struggle to reconcile these two things, and the mental state of the nation must also be taken care of, he said.

The medical side of Crisis Staff was not in favor of easing the measures this weekend, but a good compromise was found. The number of new infected is declining and the economy is working, he said.

“Why do we postpone the measures to be taken for the new year?” Well, because we try to take all the measurements on time. There is a fine line between how the health of citizens is protected and how much the economy is given to run. We must find the best possible balance, so that the economy continues without healthcare being so overloaded that we cannot admit people to hospitals. That is extremely difficult, ”says the Prime Minister.

“If you make a too restrictive decision too soon, it will give good health results, but it will kill the economy and it will take you five, six or seven years to recover,” said Brnabic, noting that the issue of public debt and deficit was taken into account. budgetary.

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