AN UNUSUAL SYMPTOM INDICATES A TUMOR! Dr. Danica Grujicic advises you to pay attention to signs that may reveal that disease has attacked the brain.


– The symptom of a brain tumor can be small psychological changes, which are first noticed by people close to the patient. For example, for a person to start telling jokes that are not characteristic of him, then show behavior that is not characteristic of him, or traits that were not characteristic of him until then. It’s a sign that a diagnosis needs to be made, the doctor explained, adding that early symptoms are often ignored and attributed to other life events.

– In such cases, it is best to contact a neurologist or the doctor of your choice, he knows you and notices the changes – said the doctor as a guest on TV Prva.

When asked by the presenter to comment on Dr. Branimir Nestorović’s statement that sodium bicarbonate cures cancer, the doctor categorically rejected the possibility that he would say such a thing.

– I don’t think I said that, soda has positive properties, like stomach acid. By the way, there are many substances in nature that can help you, but they have never been tried like when a drug is tried, but it is all based on experience. By the way, Nestorović is an experienced doctor, when we all take children to exams, they only sometimes misunderstand him.


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