Americans in Kosovo because of Gazivoda


Pristina – A group of experts from the United States is in Kosovo and Metohija, on the occasion of the point of the Washington agreement that refers to the accumulation of Lake Gazivoda.

Source: Sputnik

Photo: Depositphotos, dk_photos

Photo: Depositphotos, dk_photos

The “prime minister” of Pristina’s temporary institutions, Avdulah Hoti, said that US experts are investigating all modalities necessary to carry out a feasibility study, reports RTK.

The news that the US experts are in Pristina was confirmed by the US “embassy” in Kosovo and Metohija, which indicated that a delegation led by representatives from the State Department’s Department of Energy, energy providers and business leaders arrived on Monday to discuss energy diversification. Sputnik reports.

The diversification of Kosovo’s energy sources, including the transition to sustainable alternatives, is critical to ensuring Kosovo’s security and prosperity. Today’s discussions will focus on how smart management of water and energy resources in the region and across borders can attract new investment and long-term economic benefits for Kosovo. and Serbia ”, announced the“ embassy ”on its Facebook account.
