Albanian policemen beat Darko Tasić tied until he passed out!


SERBIAN BRUTALLY HIT IN PRISON: Albanian policemen beat Darko Tasić tied up until he passed out!

Photo: Printscreen Youtube Kosovo Online

Darko Tasić from Mala Kruša, against whom a trial is underway in Prizren, was beaten in the high-security prison in Grdovac near Podujevo, at which point he was knocked unconscious, his lawyer Ljubomir Pantović told RTS.

Ljubomir Pantović claims that yesterday, during the handover between the transporting police officers and the guards at the prison near Podujevo, Tasić received several blows to the head. Pantović said Tasić spoke to him by phone about the attack after returning to prison from the Appeals Chamber session, in which the defense’s appeal against the first instance verdict for the alleged war crime was considered.

“Darko told me that in the room where the police in charge of transporting the prisoners hand over the accused to the prison guards, he received several blows on the back of someone’s neck while he was handcuffed, of which he lost consciousness for a moment”, Pantović said. .

– When he regained consciousness, he saw that his lip was also bleeding, added Pantović.

He says that his client Tasić does not know and cannot recognize the person who hit him, because everyone in the group had masks and he was hit from behind. Tasić reported the attack to the management of the guard service, and his defense lawyer Pantović will soon ask the director of Grdovac prison to investigate the case and take action against the people who committed the attack.

Tasic is on trial in the Prizren Court of First Instance for allegedly committing a war crime in the village of Mala Krusa. He has been in custody since November 22, 2017 and was sentenced to 22 years in prison at the end of June this year. Pantović claims that under the existing legal system in Kosovo and Metohija, the maximum penalty for a war crime is 15 years in prison. online

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