A woman who threw a newborn into the bathroom was previously suspected of CHILD MURDER!


A newborn baby boy, suspected of being thrown into a Polish bathroom by his mother DB after giving birth and then taken to Kikinda hospital, was suspected of infanticide five years ago.

As we learned, criminal charges were brought against DB in a regular proceeding in 2015 on the suspicion that he drowned his newborn baby.

photo: Саша Урошев

She didn’t know she was pregnant

– As suspected at the time, he wrapped the child in cloths and put him in the washing machine. She said she didn’t even know she was pregnant, but it was a hormonal disorder. When she became ill, she was admitted to the hospital. She told police that the boy fell when she went to the bathroom and that he was dead; the source recalls and adds that later the autopsy showed that the baby was actually stillborn.

And yesterday, DB’s husband claimed that he did not know that his wife was pregnant.

– It is not true that he threw our newborn son into the Polish toilet. She gave birth in the bathroom, and did not even know she was pregnant – says NB, the mother of the mother, who is suspected of throwing the newborn into the feces on Monday, and then took him to hospital with injuries.

photo: Саша Урошев

– You have a hormonal disorder. It is naturally large and fattening in winter. She did not want to kill the child. It all started quickly. She did not return to the house, otherwise we would have called an ambulance. The baby fell into the Polish toilet, says NB and describes what happened.

– I came back from third shift and went to bed, but shit woke me up. I think it was around 9.15. I went out to the patio and heard that the woman had given birth in a tent bathroom. My mother-in-law also left the house. When I went to the bathroom, it had something to do with it. “Obviously, the woman tried to get the baby out, but she couldn’t, so I took the newborn out,” he says.

She pulled it out of the hole

He adds that the umbilical cord broke while his wife was trying to pull the boy out of the hole. – If I hadn’t fallen asleep, maybe everything would be fine. Nobody wanted to intentionally kill the baby, or anything like that. I called an ambulance. The woman and the baby were taken to the hospital by ambulance. The baby is now in Novi Sad and the wife is in Kikinda hospital. They are fine – he adds. SU – SS

photo: Саша Урошев


A child in an incubator

As we have already written, upon admission to the Kikinda hospital, it was determined that the newborn had cuts on the scalp and body, while the mother still had the placenta inside. The mother was admitted to the Kikinda hospital in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, and the baby was transferred to the Novi Sad Institute for the Protection of the Health of Children and Young People in an incubator. The case is under the jurisdiction of the Basic Public Ministry, and the investigators also informed the Social Work Center, which will take further measures according to its competences, will evaluate the parents’ competencies and will take measures to protect family law.

Kurir.rs/Saša Urošev / photo: SU

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Author: delivery courier
