A woman stabbed to death in her home, killed her partner and tried to jump off the bridge in Sabac


  • There is a sudden cost that ruins your mood. Fortunately, the area of ​​love is well presented, so you fill yourself with positive energy thanks to …

  • The area of ​​communication is poorly represented. You cannot find a common language with your colleagues. In the field of love, the situation is similar: you don’t even respond …

  • You are aware that you need to change the work system. Due to some superficial decisions, you are now stuck on certain business projects. Be careful …

  • You try to bring your ideas closer to your collaborators, but you find yourself with a wall of disapproval. Emotionally empty, you stay home and have long conversations with …

  • Together with colleagues, he makes a new business plan, because the old one was impossible. You leave a vague impression of sympathy. You are aware that your condition …

  • You try to solve problems without consulting your colleagues, which is not very easy for you. Thinking about …

  • The work is not going as fast as you would like and that worries you. The partner has the impression that he is the center of your universe and that you are exaggerating. Design …

  • You spend your workday in a spasm. You try to solve the accumulated problems, but you cannot. You consider communication with your partner unnecessary …

  • You are energetic and the realization of the business plans goes exactly as you expected. The partner is not satisfied because he thinks you are avoiding him. It’s time to …

  • The planned business trip was postponed at the suggestion of the other party. You are unsure of your partner’s love, you are jealous and you make an unnecessary scene. You are physically …

  • Finally a day without major setbacks at work. You are emotionally empty and do not have the strength to socialize. You are mentally weak, in a bad mood and you have the impression that you are …

  • You manage to succeed where others are not, and that subsequently encourages you to be even better. The partner distances himself from you because he thinks he is too …

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