A pedophile from Belgium was rushed into solitary confinement in Kragujevac prison due to the rage of the prisoners


THE BEAST HAS A SPECIAL TREATMENT: A Belgian pedophile was urgently placed in solitary confinement in Kragujevac prison due to the rage of the prisoners

Photo: Youtube / Printscreen / Bende van Nivelles

The arrested pedophile, murderer and Nazi Eric Lamers, when detained by the Kragujevac police in the village of Veliko Krčmare, is in solitary confinement in Petrovac prison and under a special regime of reinforced security.

The news that a man has arrived in jail when a pedophile is accused in Belgium and assaulting a 12-year-old girl provoked the ire of the “neighbors” of the regional prison.

From there, the prison administration, with the security assessment from the Kragujevac Police Administration, took all necessary steps to provide Lamers with safe accommodation until the end of the extradition arrest.

Eric Lamers is a former member of the Belgian mafia-linked organization and the extreme neo-Nazi organization WNP.

He is suspected of being involved in crimes that took place in the Brabant province between 1982 and 1985. In these mafia killings, 28 people were killed. He was interrogated several times as part of the investigation of these crimes.

Lamers is also known for several murders for which he received a life sentence in 1991, but only served 11 years.

In the underworld, he was nicknamed the Beast.

(Kurir.rs/Ucentar/Photo:Youtube/Printscreen/ Gang van Nivelles)

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