A citizen of Požarevac who beat and RAPED THE SISTER OF A FAMOUS LEADER has already been convicted of assault!


He is accused of raping his ex-girlfriend in the apartment he rented in the center of Pozarevac on the night of October 17-18. This is not the first sex offense for which Mališa is suspected. That is, a decade ago, he was sentenced to two years in prison for rape, which at that time was the minimum punishment for that crime.

This year, from January 4 to June 12, he was detained after his ex-girlfriend denounced him, and for that he was sentenced to three years in prison. If convicted and later found guilty of the last suspected violation, he faces a prison term of five to 12 years.

The boy comes from a wealthy family that runs a transportation company with several trucks. As a child he caused trouble and was convicted several times for property crimes and violence.

According to the Požarevac media, the girl left Mališa because she realized that he was violent and probably used drugs. However, Mališ did not leave her alone, but often waited for her in his jeep and asked her friends to praise her and convince her to return with him.

An urgent restraining order was also ordered and, after being detained by the police, he was taken to the Požarevac Superior Prosecutor’s Office for questioning, and the prosecutor on duty suggested to the investigating judge that he detain the suspect for up to 30 days. The judge agreed.

The girl will be examined in detail by a gynecologist, but also by a psychiatrist, internist and surgeon, in order to determine if she has defensive wounds and what her psychophysical state is after all that she survived last weekend.

The mother called the police

As the girl did not appear at home, the mother, concerned for the safety of her daughter, who used to leave the house and not call her, called the police. The mother guessed where she was and who the girl was with.

The patrol went to the place where, according to the mother’s assumption, it could be a daughter, and found a girl who had bruises on her body. The boy was with her and was arrested.

– She and Mališa broke up. He usually spends more time in Belgrade and that day he came from the capital and invited the suspect to meet – “Blic” learned from a source familiar with the investigation.

As we learn, the former couple first walked around town. After that, they went to a party in a cafe, then in Svilajnac, in a casino. In the end, they returned to Pozarevac and went to the apartment that the suspect rented in the center of the city.

– The girl didn’t want to have a relationship. He tried to force her, first by force and then by force. He threatened her first and then physically attacked her. He dominated her and raped her twice, says our source.


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Author: delivery courier
