Well-known Vranje neuropsychiatrist Radovan Kostić passed away


It’s Tuesday at the “Dr Dragisa Misovic” Clinical Hospital Center in Belgrade
At the age of 63, after a brief and serious illness, the famous Vranje died
physician, specialist in neuropsychiatry, subspecialist in neurophysiology and
of Epileptology, Dr. Radovan Kostić.

He finished primary and secondary school in Vranje, the Faculty of Medicine in Nis in 1983, and a specialization in neuropsychiatry nine years later in Belgrade. He also completed a subspecialization in neurophysiology and epileptology in Belgrade in 2000, as well as a master’s degree in neuropsychology on the topic “The impact of new antiepileptic drugs on cognitive functioning in the developmental age”.

After the specialization, he worked in the Department of Psychiatry at Vranje Hospital. From 1994, he worked in the Department of Neurology until 2003, when he opened the neuropsychiatric practice “Aura” in Vranje.

He has published several articles by author and co-authors in the country and abroad, with which he has participated in regional and international conferences. He left behind two children. Dr. Radovan Kostić was considered an exceptional expert, recognized at home and abroad. The people of Vranje will remember him for his kindness and nobility, as a physician who dedicated his entire life to those who most needed help.

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