Another difficult night, it was especially difficult in THESE CITIES! This is when calm is expected


Epidemiologist Branislava Tiodorović said today that she has had another difficult night.

– It was difficult throughout the southeast of Serbia, in Nis, Aleksandrovac, Krusevac, Zajecar, Vranje, Presevo, Bujanovac, the data is very worrying. The number of hospitalized is increasing, in Leskovac we had 7 patients in the Kovid hospital a few days ago, and now there are already 52. ​​That speaks a lot about how fast this situation is changing. The rule is as we had somewhere in April, in May the number increased first in the north, and then it begins to grow in the south and southeast, says the epidemiologist.

Tiodorovic also explains why we now have a growing number of infected people.

– Citizens are given more tests, that is why we have a greater number of positives, and it is true that there are more than are diagnosed. Young people usually have a mild or no problem, they come with an asymptomatic disease, which is good for them, but not for their environment. Already in the Clinical Center we notice that more and more patients are active in intensive care, or we have elderly in the most difficult part of mechanical ventilation. Young people can also become ill with a serious clinical picture, warns Tiodorović.

He also says that the number of patients will continue to grow.

– We have a serious situation and this number will surely grow in the coming days, and only at the end of the week or the beginning of the next can we expect a change in terms of leveling the epidemic curve. We can expect the effect of the measures that begin to be applied today only around December 1, when there may be a slight gradual decrease and calm, all under the condition that we respect the measures – says epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović.

As he himself says, the call to the application of measures is not a call to obedience, but to responsibility.

– This is an invitation to think about grandparents, friends. Restricting the operation of the catering facilities was a necessity. Look what is happening in Hungary and Romania – he said.

With regard to schools, he points out that the situation is good, that there are a little more infected among secondary school students than elementary school students. He especially praised the students and educators, but also the parents, thanks to whom all the measures were implemented in the schools.

– I suggested that the winter break be from December 19 to January 20, and for students from Vojvodina and the rest of Serbia, it could last a few days longer than planned. That way, we could include all holidays, both Catholic and Orthodox – he said.

Tiodorović stated that the recommendation is that everyone who can work from home.

( Pink)

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Author: delivery courier
