George David talked about the HARDEST moments! Here’s what’s IMPORTANT to him now!


George David has been synonymous with rock and roll for decades. A graduate actor and leader of the old Generation 5 group, he owns an inviolable voice and lives a life dedicated to this musical direction, in guerrilla warfare. In recent years, he has been on the “Zvezda Granda” jury, has finished a new album with his band Death Saw, and loves his little family. Đorđe is one of the celebrities who fell ill with kovida-19.

You thought it was impossible for a man in such good shape to have coronavirus, but it happened.

– Ignorance, the combination of conspiracy theories with the fact that it was done due to economic changes, plus the hope that everyone will say “it can’t happen to me” and, of course, Murphy’s Law led me to infection in the worst possible way. I was in danger of death, my chances were 50 to 50. My swimming lungs were taken out and my heart got used to constant training, the doctors told me. No one with my diagnosis was for less than 22 days, I passed with 16. Thank God, now he is behind me. The only scandal I had was that the virus would leave lasting effects on my voice and lungs, because they are my work environment, my family depends on them. Fortunately, everything is fine. We return to the guerrilla path, with all our strength.

photo: ATA images

Did you trust the doctors?

– I trusted the doctors who treated and cared for me at the Pulmonology Clinic, Natalija Samardžić and Tatjana Adžić. It turned out to be a clinic with fewer deaths, more cured and less infected staff. At the end of the first blow of this terrible story, I realized that I was in good hands, with the best professionals, and that has to do with having no consequence.

Another pain happened to you, you broke your leg.

– Yes, I will wear a plaster boot for another two weeks. She broke a bone in my foot. Until I was 55, I never went to bed in the hospital and never broke anything. This is probably a shorter course than has ever happened to me in my life.


When and what does a person think in moments of life danger?

– First you think about the loved ones you lost, how much you did well or not, if you made a mistake with someone … And see how the brain works in those moments! You get the errors right away. When I came out, I talked to a lot of people on the phone and told them to start over. Of course, you always have a child in your head as a motive. Boy, fine – rock and roll. Those were my strongest motives. I love Stasha so much that I would walk on her and have no legs. So it is with rock and roll. If I didn’t have my hands, I’d find a way to hold the microphone. And when you enter the recovery phase, then you think about the plans in a calmer way, with the idea of ​​not making old mistakes.

What is happening with the Dadov Theater, on whose Board of Directors are you?

– It seems that in rock and roll you start to make a profit when you turn 50. I have the impression that all of us who deal with pop-rock and rock music consider it frivolous, without education, to do it ad hoc. When you turn 50 and stay persistent, they start to appreciate it. And the fact that I got Stasha convinced people of my seriousness. Although I think there are those who said: “Uh, thank God, he had a baby, he calmed down, now he is not going to take the fish from us.”


Stasha is six years old. Will you go to school this year?

– Ana and I will agree on that. I would like to extend your childhood for another year. However, Ana is an uncompromising mother and is very precise. I am not a terrible character because I had a son, but because I was able to choose his mother. Stasa is musical, she has an absolute hearing, she will be gifted for music, languages ​​and serious mockery of the environment because she “rides” us phenomenally. She collected all the best and worst of the two of us.

What is your emotional state?

– I’m always in a great emotional state with Ana, only we don’t live together. At the moment, it is an acquisition of life circumstances. Secondly, when I contacted her, I told her that she was a man who could not live with anyone. I don’t want to change comfort in the old days. But never say never. If something breaks me to get into that kind of commitment, it will be Stasa, no one else.

photo: Silkscreen / Paparazzo lov

Do daughters change the characteristics of fathers?

– I respect the female sex, I have never raised a hand against a woman, I have no evil or hatred in me. I am not violent, I am not an idiot. I was brought up to respect mine and others. The boy just ennobled me even more. I’ll stop eating at the restaurant, gas, drinks with friends to buy her a Barbie, a coloring book, sneakers … When I have a penny, I first ask Ana what Stasi needs. For me, what’s left. They change, how can they not change …

Does Stasha have a prayer that disarms?

– When he says “But, tataaaa”, I’m already falling and I’m just waiting for the request.


You had a beautiful but also traumatic childhood. You lost your father early.

– My childhood was beautiful thanks to my mother, who was a true rock and roll mother. She protected my childhood and my unwillingness to grow by covering everything when I was in trouble, when there was no work. Until your last day. My sister had a hard time coping with the moment her father died and she did not accept it for the rest of her life. I buried my mother in 2013, my sister in 2017. Now the whole story comes down to one girl, Ana and rock and roll. Tommy, Djole and Xhela are my closest family. But that guerrilla that I have always lived in some way is also salvation. You don’t have time to cry. Homework doesn’t give you time to get sick. Our work is brutal.

But when you go on stage and people hear your unique voice, nobody knows what is in your heart and how you live.

– I’m not the only one. In the “Grand Stars” competition, it’s surprising how many awful moments we all had on the jury. At the age of 55, I have seven years of work experience and an unsolved housing problem, and have been working for a long time. But playing rock and roll in Serbia is a wolf discipline. We often live much harder than the average citizen, and some think we are privileged. Far from it. We are brave enough to express our position and carry our cross on our backs without any courtship. If someone behind me shouts “Wow, fagot” or writes on the networks “I am sorry that you have healed the crown, you should have died”, threatens to kill me and rape my daughter, they need psychiatric attention.

Where does it come from

– The limitlessness of the Internet and the limitation of the intellect has brought to light a group of madmen walking. The state of emergency gave them the illusion that they could do whatever they wanted. They are in great error. Every evil you desire in others comes back to you like a boomerang.

photo: print screen / Instagram Jorgovanović, Photo: Printscreen / Youtube

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