The EU spoke out after accusing Thaci of war crimes


EU spokesman Peter Stano said today, in reaction to the declaration of the Justice Minister of the false state of Kosovo, Selim Selimi, that due to the accusation against Hashim Thaci, the dialogue with Belgrade should be ended, that the prime minister Avdulah Hoti promised that the process would continue, but added that Brussels did not. commented on the statements of the officials, of neither party.

Stano said the EU is a mediator in the dialogue and that it should focus on that role, adding that after the resumption in July, the dialogue will continue and advance meetings at the highest political and expert level.

– President (Aleksandar) Vučić and Prime Minister (Avdulah) Hoti confirmed that they will give high priority to EU integration and the continuation of work on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Engagement and understanding of priorities is essential to advance Serbia and Kosovo’s European path, Stano noted.

On 7 September, the Prime Minister of the Provisional Institutions of Pristina, Avdulah Hoti, and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, confirmed to the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borelj, that the priority will be the integration of the EU and ongoing dialogue.

They also pledged to redouble their efforts to ensure further harmonization with the EU in line with their commitments.

“In this sense, the documents recently agreed in Washington, together with the previous commitments made by both parties in the dialogue, can make a useful contribution to reach a comprehensive, legally binding agreement for the normalization of relations,” Stano said in a joint statement.


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