JUTKA GOES TO PRISON “This was not just a trial for me, but a search for justice for all women” – so Marija Lukić comments on the verdict


– Although it took a long time, I’m not tired. There were times when I was able to stay away, when I wasn’t sure if it was worth fighting for, but now that everything is definitely over, I can say that I wasn’t. Everything is over and I feel good now.

The interlocutor of “Novosti” adds that for the moment, she has only been informed verbally of the decision, and that of the pimp, the lawyer Borivoje Borović, as well as that she is anxiously awaiting confirmation of the verdict to reach her home. The presentation of the announced appeals was made on October 9 and the nullity verdict was approved on August 10. Jelicic’s lawyer, Irena Djordjevic, mentioned that she is awaiting acquittal due to the significant injuries that occurred during the procedure.

The Basic Public Ministry and the defense also appealed the verdict according to which the former mayor of Bruce was convicted of illegal sexual acts and acquitted of the crime of sexual abuse, that is, sending SMS messages: first with an appeal, and then, in August, Supplement to the appeal.

“I forgave them all, but I would not forgive society if this behavior is not condemned,” said Marija Lukić during the final arguments this summer. – This was not just a trial for me, but a search for justice for all my daughters, sisters, mothers.

Jelicic, who meanwhile lost the elections and entered the local parliament as the holder of the GG list “For a modern Bruce”, always denied his guilt and claimed that it was a political persecution as well as that it was a disturbed party.


The Kruševac police filed a criminal complaint in mid-March 2018, involving 7 women. The prosecution started proceedings against Jutka only in the case of Marija Lukić. Snezana Bojic and Daniela Vukailovic testified in court against Jutka. The trial before the Court of First Instance in Brus was marked by numerous controversies, including the expulsion of the “Novosti” team from the courtroom. Last July, the Supreme Court of Cassation moved the proceedings to Krusevac, where Jelicic was not happy to come. Somehow, the procedure came to an end, despite numerous delays.

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