
“One party is enough for the crown to explode,” warned Dr. Branimir Tiodorović for a reason, but it seems that organizing celebrations, parties and other gatherings cannot be avoided with a pandemic.

This is evidenced by images from across the country showing that Serbian people are willing to do anything just to pass the time, even if the consequence is the health of the nation.

Thus, until 11 at night and the end of the working day of the catering facilities, restaurants, cafes and rafts are filled with people who enjoy their drinks without even realizing that they are putting themselves in danger. and the others, and then, once the bars are closed, the parties continue somewhere else. places.

Photo: RAS Serbia

In addition to the usual organization of house parties, celebrations and social gatherings, some took a step further, so in recent days the rafts decided to go down the river after 10 at night and continue the party, while groups somewhat smaller from the bar they moved to nearby parks. from that to the Benis station, and so it continued piling up, well into the night.

After coffee, head to the park.

One of those stories comes from Valjevo, where an example of how epidemiological measures are not respected is the gas station scene in the center of this city, where a large group of young people without masks gathered to buy drinks, and then a party , after 11 at night. He continued in a nearby park near the Cultural Center.

On the other hand, the sudden increase in the number of patients in this city was linked by the Institute with a private celebration in the vicinity of Valjevo, where there were around 60 guests, which is double the number allowed. Of these, 60, the corona virus was confirmed in 25 participants.

It is true that this city is not the only example where such things happen, and Belgrade, as a city widely known for its nightlife, is ahead not only in the number of people suffering from coronavirus, but also in violation of the measures. .

Party at Knez

Therefore, we had the opportunity to see a party at Knez Mihailova at a time when the number of new patients was starting to grow. It was an open-air party even before 11 at night, but epidemiological measures were certainly not respected.

Those gathered did not wear masks, nor did they respect the recommendations on social distance, and to top it all, at one point they played and made themselves a “car.”

This is just one more example of non-compliance with the measures throughout the capital, and house parties are becoming more frequent every day, which are especially popular with students.

The raft is released and the procession continues

Darko Glavas, the municipal secretary for emergencies, also spoke about how many people can be prepared for everything to have a little fun, saying that the inspection determined that there are several clubs in the water that, despite the measures, are closing the facilities to two in the morning.

– Several yacht clubs and tourist clubs have been noted to set sail around 10 pm and head towards the confluence of the Sava and the Danube, near the so-called happy or love buoys. They go out with the passengers at night, drinks are served, guests are served, parties are organized – a story for “Kurir” Glavas.

Some rafts in Belgrade have devised special tactics to avoid control and sanctions for non-compliance with epidemiological measures.

That is, they work normally until 10 at night, then they untie the raft and navigate the river, while famous singers and DJs perform, huge amounts of alcohol are poured, and at that time a large number of people, without masks, they squeeze into congested spaces.

It is certainly an ideal situation for further spread of the virus.

Glavas added that a list of these facilities has already been made, and that the inspection has at its disposal a river police boat, as well as teams of inspectors ready.

– The owners of these facilities have navigation permits, but it is debatable that there are many more people in them than is allowed and that they work even after 11 at night. Some of them go to Umka, believing that they will not see them there. And some rafts that are moored on the shore and do not have permission to navigate turn off the lights and close the entrance door, so that from the shore it seems that they are deserted and closed, and they continue with the party in the back of the building, from facing the river, which is not visible from the coast. We will also get in his way with the river police – explained Glavas.

In addition to all this, there are also the most arrogant clubs, which do not hide, but as if there were no epidemic, they function more normally.

VIDEO: See how fast the corona virus is spreading in a restaurant
