Koviljka died in August, but she is not yet buried! Family members do not believe, but neither do documents, and another woman is involved in everything



16.10.2020. 21:00

A retired teacher, who died in August, is still listed as alive due to someone’s negligence or is something bigger.

Police, investigation

Photo: RINA

The family of a physical education teacher, who passed away two months ago, found themselves in an incredibly crazy situation. Namely, Koviljka Miketić (82) died in her apartment in Čukarica on August 15, but her relatives cannot bury her because the police did not find a valid identity document confirming her identity. What’s more, the old woman has not yet been declared dead, so her pension is “lying” on her account.

What is especially surprising are the circumstances that happened after his death. The family is desperate and they begin to suspect that someone wants to appropriate the property of the deceased.

As her sister SK told “Alo”, the old woman did not have a husband or children, but lived alone. Family members visited her regularly, but due to the situation with the crown they limited visits because our interlocutor in the family also had a member who had suffered from this disease. When the caregiver informed her on August 29 that her aunt had passed away, she and her husband went immediately, but the body of the deceased had already been taken by the police. What is even more strange, he learns that the neighbors did not react, although for some time an unpleasant smell was felt from Koviljka’s apartment, they were supposedly waiting for the return of the chairman of the Council of the Spa Chamber.

Have you ever had similar problems?

According to the SC, the Cukarica Police Department informs you that the body of the deceased was transferred to Forensic Medicine for an autopsy. Only then does he make real hell for the family. He claims that a few days later he received a call from the police, who told him that the old woman would be buried as an unidentified person, after which the relatives rebelled and asked to be allowed to enter the department to find the documents.

I go to the Palace of Justice to ask permission to enter the apartment, where I find my aunt’s passport, old ID and check book, I take everything to the police station, where they inform me that without a valid ID there is nothing that identifies the deceased Koviljka . Although it is indicated in the system that a new one has been issued, this information is ignored – says SK

Well that’s where the horror begins, that the sister of the deceased old woman, as well as other relatives, could not even imagine in their wildest dreams. They discover that the prosecutor who was in the investigation crossed out Koviljka Miketić’s name on the document and registered him as an unidentified person. That same day, the pathologist of the Institute of Legal Medicine, Dr. Tijana Durmić, informed the anguished relatives that the autopsy confirmed that the old woman died a natural death and that the police requested that she be buried as an unidentified person.

We could not allow that, so the doctor referred us to the famous geneticist Oliver Stojković, to do a DNA test, which would prove not that we are related to my aunt, but that it is her in general. Is it possible for anyone to wonder if she or someone else died in the apartment of an 82-year-old woman? – says our interlocutor.

Although the investigating prosecutor informs them that they will bear the cost of the DNA analysis, which costs 60,000 dinars, the closest relatives agree, so that the agony ends once and for all. However, the problem continues. The matching of the samples of five relatives is minimal, so four more relatives and a new 60,000 dinars are included in the general chaos. Your results are still pending!

– Dr. Stojković directs us to look for a sample of her tissue at the Oncology Institute, based on her aunt’s medical documentation, because she underwent breast surgery a few years ago. To take possession of the documentation I have to go to the Prosecutor’s Office with a warrant and then to the apartment with the police. And so on indefinitely – says our interlocutor. During that time, the body of the deceased is still in the chamber of the Institute, and they also have to pay a figure of 1500 dinars a day, which is not negligible, because almost two months have passed, and who knows how much more. The Superior Prosecutor’s Office has not even assigned a number of cases, and they have already called them “grieving family”, as SK puts it. An additional cost is the hiring of a lawyer, because the relatives of the deceased, apart from the verbal notifications, did not receive a single “paper”.

Nonetheless, my sister is trying to locate a woman who allegedly increased her pension with her aunt, due to the suspicion that he has Koviljka’s identification card. The neighbors are silent, he says, they seem intimidated, although many were good to the deceased.

All this that is happening makes one suspect that they are not pure business and that it may be a matter of lost profits – Our interlocutor points out and adds that the most shocking thing is that they have to go through all this, instead of burying the old woman with dignity.
