María did not show any problems: a cleaner at the school where the unfortunate woman worked revealed the other side of the story



08.10.2020. 11:02

Velika Plana’s Milan Živojinović (41) killed his lover Marija Stanojoska (31) and then committed suicide in a car parked in front of the building in Pancevo where he lived. He couldn’t accept his decision to end the love story!

Marija stanojska

Marija Stanojska, Photo: Social networks

As we learn, Marija and Milan were in an emotional relationship, which began in Germany and continued secretly in Serbia, while four children stayed behind. It is suspected that Milan and Marija broke up the day before the tragedy and that it was difficult for him, so on October 6 he ended up in front of the building on Sterija Street, in Pancevo, where Marija lived.

– He knocked on her door, but she didn’t want to open it. He tried to convince her to let him speak, but she refused. At some point, Maria left the apartment, which can be seen in the security camera footage, and Milan ran after her. She ran to her parked golf course, and he grabbed his lunch and tried to get inside. After several attempts, he got into the passenger seat. The recordings clearly show that Marija tried to get out of the vehicle, but he did not let her – says Marija’s neighbor and recounts the drama she saw in the recording.

– At one point, Milan pulled out a gun and fired at the roof of the car, presumably to scare her or show he wasn’t kidding. However, Marija insistently wanted out, so she shot him in the head. A few seconds later, he held the gun to his temple and pulled the trigger. We saw that only after the tragedy – says the tenant and adds that the neighbor who was returning from work saw bloody bodies in the car and called the police.

The neighbors only have words of praise for Maria, stating that they did not interfere in her private life.

– I know María, as well as her father, who is a good man, former officer and now businessman. Until recently she lived with a man and his daughters. As far as I know, she got pregnant early and gave birth to a son, and almost two years ago she gave birth again and had a child with another man. I didn’t ask her much because she was stingy with words. I didn’t know Milan existed, and now I hear that they met in Germany. That’s what the fool did. Maria didn’t show that she had any problems, but I heard from her cleaning lady who was upset, a story from a neighbor.

– The cleaning lady, who arrived on Tuesday around 10, woke up Maria. She says she was worried. He told her that he had not slept all night and that he had to take his daughter to kindergarten. He recovered a bit and took the child, and you know everything else – says Marija’s neighbor.

At Marija’s father’s house in Kačarevo, we met family, friends and former colleagues who expressed their condolences. They tried to comfort their father Dragan and his brother Filip, but they had no words for it.

Maria’s father did not know that she was in a relationship with Milan and only asked why. He was in Pancevo with his father, children and friends on Sunday, and then he did not show any problems in any way.

He stole a gun from his father

While Marija was working as a German teacher at the primary school “Đura Jakšić” in Pancevo, Milan was a driver. He drove buses on the Serbian route – abroad, and at one point also worked in Germany. He has two children from two marriages. Apparently, he was still married at the time of the accident and hid from his wife that he was crazy about Maria. He stole the gun with which he killed Maria from his father.
