“WAR” IN THE DS UNTIL “EXTERMINATION” Lutovac expelled more than 50 members of the party, they tell him that soon he will be “RETURNED TO THE SENDER ĐILAS”


The executive board of the Democratic Party, the current led by Zoran Lutovac, has made the decision to exclude up to 53 members of the DS. The other current does not accept the decision, saying that Lutovac does not have “legality or legitimacy” for that.

The war in the once most powerful party in Serbia does not end. In a telephone session of the Lutovac executive board, the members were replaced “by their candidacy on the electoral lists of other political organizations.”

Among those who will no longer be in the DS according to that decision are the newly elected vice presidents Dragoslav Sumarac, Jovana Jovanovic, Milica Slijepcevic, General Petar Radojcic, Vojislav Jankovic, as well as Nada Kolundzija, Aleksandra Jerkov, Natasa Vuckovic, Vida Ognjidar Djelicenovic, Bomara Tamara Tripjenovic. …

All those illegal decisions, these Stalinist methods, with pronounced violence, only speak of a group that is trying to finish off the Democratic Party.  It will not be able, it will not happen - says DjelicPhoto: Uroš Arsić / RAS Serbia

All those illegal decisions, those Stalinist methods, with violence emphasized, only speak of a group that is trying to finish off the Democratic Party. It will not be able, it will not happen – says Djelic

Goran Paunović, who is among the “expelled”, commented to “Blic” on the procedure of the Executive Board.

– Give a limited person at least a shred of power and you will discover their untapped potential for stupidity. The DS will survive this too, and Lutovac will soon be returned to sender Dragan Djilas, undamaged. I don’t blame him, the man is simply trying unsuccessfully to do the job for which he was brought to the post of chairman of DS, to erase her from the political scene in Serbia, says Paunović.

Where Aleksandar Vučić and the progressives stopped with the destruction of the DS, Lutovac continued.  You will have to ask him when and on whose behalf he is doing all this - says Aleksandra JerkovPhoto: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

Where Aleksandar Vučić and the progressives stopped with the destruction of the DS, Lutovac continued. You will have to ask him when and for whom he is doing all this – says Aleksandra Jerkov

Aleksandra Jerkov tells “Blic” that it is obvious that Lutovac’s task was to stop the DS.

– First we fight for the DS policy. We then fight for our constitutionally and legally guaranteed rights to freedom of opinion and political affiliation. The answer was the expulsion of the party, with insults like those directed at me by the radicals and Seselj in the Assembly. In the end, I received a criminal report from Zoran Lutovac. Now he is announcing criminal charges against members of DS. Well that’s absurd – says Jerkov and asks how many criminal charges Lutovac brought against the SNS and Aleksandar Vučić:

– None! I did not run in these last elections because I need a break from everything I experienced from Lutovac and his few closest people. It’s sad for me to grab an armchair like your life depends on it. Where Vucic and the progressives stopped with the destruction of the DS, Lutovac continued. You will have to ask him when and on whose behalf he is doing all this – he says.

Jerkov says that many members have already joined parties like the SAA.

– The reform of the party that he announced is a lie because he is implementing it by expelling everyone who thinks differently, and is making lists for shooting with an associate who is accused of sexual harassment by a member of DS and who behaves like Jutka in the party where the official is. . That is inadmissible – concludes Jerkov.

If guided by this criteria, Lutovac will replace 2,500 people, says Nada KolundzijaPhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

If guided by this criteria, Lutovac will replace 2,500 people, says Nada Kolundzija

Nada Kolundzija says that, if guided by this criteria, Lutovac will replace 2,500 people. It points out that Lutovac has “neither legality nor legitimacy” to implement those decisions.

Božidar Đelić says for “Blic” that he seems to be dreaming of Lutovac.

– You would like to illegally expel me from the DS for participating in the party elections on September 26. It’s just that I got checked out in Paris that day. Rather, he will want to expel me, as well as all the founders of the DS and all the ministers of Djindjic, for our ideas, our freedom and our democratic spirit. They will probably now try to expel the 3,000 voters, that is, three-quarters of all DS members. All those illegal decisions, those Stalinist methods, with increasingly pronounced violence, only speak of a group that is trying to finish off the SD. It will not be able, it will not happen – says Djelic.

Lecic: Lutovac is an inline element

Branislav Lecic, the newly elected president of the DS, affirmed that his opponent, Zoran Lutovac, who is also considered president, is an inserted element.

– Lutovac is like a ship in a bottle. Wandering seas. He says he is a legalist and does not accept legally elected representatives – Lečić declared.

The other current in the DS, led by Branislav Lecic, believes that Lutovac has neither legitimacy nor legality Photo: Aleksandar Dimitrijevic / RAS Serbia

The other current in the DS, led by Branislav Lecic, believes that Lutovac has neither legitimacy nor legality

As he himself says, it turned out to be true that Lutovac “was appointed by the candidate to the opposition throne as an undercover president to be the bankruptcy administrator of the DS”.

– The DS is the only party that can match the government and the opposition, in a way that unites the opposition as the center of action for the opposition. It was important for the DS to stay upright because of that, he claimed, adding that the DS was now saved. As he himself says, the party will fight for “the zeal of the party.”

– We are not fighting for 0.1 percent in the rating, but for the zeal that the party has and that it is only covered in ashes, so it seems that it cannot be reincarnated – said Lecic.

VIDEO: On the eve of DS CSO, Lutovac asked for police intervention
