A true summer of Miholja and its painful end await us


September says goodbye to us with the good autumn weather. It just lulled us into a heat wave during which temperatures topped 30 degrees, only to say goodbye to the storms and fall temperatures that were almost winter coats in the days before. The forecast for October has arrived and it seems that this year 2020 wants to redeem itself a bit for all that we have survived in it.

Forecast for October

From the first day of October until its end, a pleasant climate awaits us. The temperature will hover around a pleasant 20 degrees for most of the month, and while we should be prepared for clouds, it seems there will be less rain than fall tradition dictates.

The temperature will be 12 to 25 degrees Celsius most days, with occasional cloudy weather. There will be rain some days, but not like this cold September series.

Forecast for OctoberPhoto: AccuWeather / screenshot

Forecast for October

The first weekend of October will remain deceptive

After clouds, rain and cooler temperatures on weekdays, the first weekend of October will bring a strong southern current, so according to meteorologist Marko Čubril, highs in some places could be around 30 degrees .


The first day of the weekend is expected a mostly sunny weather throughout our country. The lowest daily temperatures will be between 10 degrees in Pristina and 15 in Kragujevac. The daily minimum temperature in Belgrade will be 14 degrees.

According to Čubrilo, the highs will hover around 30 degrees Celsius somewhere, especially in western Serbia, and will certainly range between 25 and 29.

Autumn in Novi SadPhoto: Nenad Mihajlović / RAS Serbia

Autumn in Novi Sad

– Saturday will be very windy, in most of the Adriatic, especially in the north and the middle south there will be storms, and in the afternoon for a short time and hurricane gusts in some places, while in the Košava area, especially Over Banat and southern Bačka, the southeast wind will blow up to 25 m / s, according to a meteorologist.


The second day of the weekend brings a change of course, a cooler temperature, but also precipitation. Daily minimum temperatures will range from 13 in Zlatibor to 19 in Kragujevac.

– The cold front will cover most of the region overnight towards Sunday and during the week before at noon, bringing rain, sometimes thunder, weakening and cessation of the south wind, which would temporarily turn northwest in the north. If this dynamic of the front movement remains cooler on Sunday, with a maximum mainly of +19 to +23, only in the Far East at about +26 degrees Celsius.

Unstable weather awaits us next week, with occasional downpours and heavy rain, but not cold.
