I transfer the responsibility to the computer scientists who provided us with data that was not entirely accurate.


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon pointed out that the Crisis Team disclosed all the data they had, that nothing was hidden and that unlike the number of deaths that were officially announced, IT officials who gave incorrect data were responsible.

“I’ve been talking about it since mid-September. It’s not from yesterday. I’ve been talking about it on four televisions, announcing the excess mortality and everything I said yesterday, I already said it,” Kon said on Studio N1 Live and repeated that it is not new news.

According to him, everything that the Crisis Staff had, he announced publicly, day by day.

It all came from the information system

“What we got, we got from the information system. When someone says and says, ‘That’s not true,’ I have to tell them that what they are saying is not true. The information system that connected all these things never existed in the country. We worked on the basis of infectious disease reports, infectious disease death reports, and then two months later, the death certificates arrived which are part of a form, ‘DEM 2’, which relates to both the registrar and the the burial possibility. So this is the most reliable data, “says Kon.

“I shift the responsibility to IT specialists who provided us with data that was not entirely accurate. I affirm, under full moral responsibility, that crisis personnel in the medical field could have no other data than what they received from IT personnel. If that is not accepted, the truth is not wanted ”, he said.

According to him, at the time the data was suspected, and that was in June, “it was clear that the information system was seriously failing, and he was warned.”

“Even the prime minister said that the system was not completely correct and that there were several errors,” Kon noted.

It adds that you should ask IT specialists for a detailed explanation.

“The main people in charge are those who created the information system, worked with it and provided us with data,” he said.

It is true, he reveals, that according to mortality statistics, there were three times more deaths in Belgrade than were reported.

“That means that the doctors themselves did not report that the death was kovid,” he concluded.
