HE KILLED A WOMAN WITH A SPOON OF SHOES They had five children, they were a family for example, and then “darkness fell on her eyes” and killed her because she OBJECTED him


The trial of the Serbian citizen ER (67) has started before the Swiss court for the murder of his wife VR (60).

ER is accused of killing his wife with a shoehorn on Good Friday last year after a brief altercation.

The brutal murder took place at his home in St. Gallen. The defendant allegedly “turned dark-eyed” because his wife had been mentally abusing him for years.

As neighbors once told the Swiss media, the married couple from Serbia came to Switzerland in 1974, where ER worked on the play and they had five children. For decades, they were known as an example family, because ER and VR got along very well, and the children were polite and always ready to help everyone.

After decades of work, ER also acquired retirement status and was finally able to enjoy old age. However, when the last child left the family nest in 2017, virtual reality abruptly changed. Instead of a wonderful wife, she became a woman who constantly began to complain about the emergency room.

He, neighbors claimed, was still polite and quiet, but from time to time she knew an argument could be heard from her apartment. It is believed that on the fateful day, virtual reality “went too far” with the insults, and that at one point ER couldn’t take it anymore. He first slapped her and then grabbed a shoehorn with which he began to beat his wife.

According to the police, the ER hit the wife more than 20 blows to the head with a “weapon” that weighed about 300 grams and 55 centimeters long, inflicting serious bodily injuries, from which she later died.

Immediately after beating his wife, he called the police and admitted what he had done. After VR was injured in hospital, the alleged Serb was taken into custody.

If convicted, he faces seven years in prison and expulsion from the country with a 10-year entry ban.
