The Courier project will be completed in early 2021, despite the pandemic


The fabrication and construction of statues of Serbian soldiers in front of the mausoleum in Vid, which was started by Kurir with the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS), will be early next year. Although the crown pandemic and the closing of the borders have postponed the work planned for this year, Zoran Djordjevic, the Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs, told Kurir that the manufacture of statues and the complete arrangement of the memorial ossuary will begin early next year. in Vid, where the Serbian soldiers who died after the Albanian Golgotha ​​of the First World War rest.

Until the end

Djordjevic thanks the Courier for initiating the action earlier and, together with UNS, collects donations for the production and installation of statues of Serbian soldiers according to Nikolai Krasnov’s original project from 1938, noting that the ministry will fully support and present the project. .

Warriors Mausoleum Project
Warriors Mausoleum Projectphoto: Courier

– The victims of our ancestors will never be forgotten and all those who passed through Golgotha ​​in Albania in the winter of 1915/16. they deserve to have a complete and orderly mausoleum and the space around it. Therefore, in addition to making and placing the statues, we will clean and completely tidy up the facade of the mausoleum, we will fix and renew the access roads – says Djordjevic for Kurir and adds:

Svetlo trobojke

– The memorial ossuary, the Naval Cross next to it and the entire access will be illuminated with lighting of the highest quality, which will be adjusted by computer. The lighting will be white every day, while the colors of the Serbian tricolor will be when our national holidays. And when the Serbian state delegation arrives in Vido to pay tribute to our heroes, the lighting will be red, symbolizing the blood that our soldiers shed in the First World War for Serbia.

The construction and erection of the statue and the arrangement of the mausoleum and the space around it were supposed to take place this year, but the coronavirus pandemic and the closing of the borders postponed it until early next year.


An exhibition against bathers

photo: screenshot
photo: screenshot

Djordjevic also notes that a moving exhibition on the suffering of Serbs will be installed along the trails:

– I sincerely believe that these shocking photos will affect everyone who bathes in Vid without any respect for our victims. We are deeply affected by the decision of the Corfu authorities to allow umbrellas and deck chairs there. Last week, I led the delegation and it was very uncomfortable for me to walk past those swimmers with flower crowns. We turn to the Greek Ministry and the Patriarch, deeply convinced that the friendship between the Serbian people and the Greek people is unbreakable and that the bathers in front of the mausoleum insult not only our victims but also the memory of the help of the Greeks of Corfu in one of the most difficult moments in the history of Serbia. JS Spasić Photo: Kurir

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
