Science: You can’t get a coronavirus twice, tests are to blame


Those who have contracted the coronavirus cannot contract the disease twice, the scientists said.

Source: Tanjug

Illustration: Depositphotos / Giovanni Cancemi

Illustration: Depositphotos / Giovanni Cancemi

Experts feared that patients could become infected with the coronavirus twice, after up to 10 percent recovered from the coronavirus in China returned positive results after being discharged from the hospital.

However, South Korean scientists have concluded that patients who have had covid 19 cannot have it again after recovery and are guilty of faulty tests, according to the British newspaper “Dream”.

According to the Board of the South Korean Central Clinic for Disease Control, positive results in people who are negative for the coronavirus are the result of virus “fragments” found in their bodies that do not have the power to cause disease or infect others.

There were reports that a total of 277 patients were recovered, raising fears that mutations in the virus could prevent patients from developing immunity, complicating the task of finding a vaccine and eliminating the possibility of collective immunity.

Sir Patrick Wallace, the British government’s chief scientific adviser, and Professor Chris Whitty, chief medical adviser to Boris Donson, have tried to persuade the public that they cannot contract the coronavirus twice.

They argued that those who once had the virus would develop immunity, and it is rare to get a contagious disease again.

Sir Wallace discovered that some people contracted infectious diseases a second time, but that this was rare, adding that there was no evidence to suggest that it would occur to the coronary virus.

Meanwhile, Professor Witty explained that even if there is no long-term immunity, the disease generally has short-term immunity.
