Panic: Decision to Change Doctors at Vucic Military Medical Academy Shows Who’s in Charge


The anesthesiologist Rade Panic, president of the Union of Doctors and Pharmacists, in conversation with, reacted to the dismissal of the head of two clinics and an institute of the Military Medical Academy (MMA). Panic said he was sure “that there is a man behind the shift, who wants to show the doctors who is the principal of the country.”

What is common bosses fired it’s theirs open letter support which were sent to the Government of the Republic of Serbia and other competent institutions by doctors gathered in the group “United against the covids”.

“Personally, I don’t know the teammates who were replaced, but everything I heard from other teammates is superlative. It seems to me that there is no other reason why they were fired, except that they signed a public letter, that is, an invitation for the Crisis Staff to take themselves seriously and take responsibility for the work that is entrusted to them, ”said Panic.

In response to the news about the changes in the Military Medical Academy, Pamnić wrote on Twitter: “But it is autumn, a ripe fruit called strike. Let’s explain, and it took a long time …”

“Why did I write that it was fall and that it was time for a strike?” Well, because a large number of colleagues, at least those with whom we communicate, who are three thousand signatories of this public letter and six thousand five hundred trade unionists, believe that there are two possibilities. One is to leave everything and leave the country to live normally. We are not talking about money, we are not talking about anything else, but an excessively difficult decision, but one that is based on the fact that you need to have something to work with, to work in the healthiest conditions possible. Another option is to rebel and stop what is happening. Let’s make sure that the system changes and that current legal acts are respected. This has nothing to do with what happened at the Military Medical Academy at this time, but if you take into account that there is no other reason than the signature that the comrades put in the public letter ‘United against kovid’, then really it makes no sense to talk about the system. No matter how much you like it or not, at work, in the profession, experience, responsibility and work should be the only criteria for someone to be in the position of boss or head nurse, ”explains Panić.

Reacting to statement from the Ministry of Defense Stating that organizational changes are taking place throughout the military health system, and that no one will lose their job, Panić points out that the current government works by replacing theses twice in a single statement.

“Nobody said that someone was going to lose their job, we talked about the most capable people, who directed the services, because it is evident that they were already bosses, leaving those places, just because they dared to express their discontent,” he added. And that dissatisfaction is related to the falsehoods presented by the crisis personnel. They also claim that journalists drive politics. The statement was likely written by Minister Vulin, who did not even serve in the military, much less understood medicine, the profession, or the organization of health care. MMA should be our most influential academy. I’m sure this shift decision was made by one man. No decision was made because the collective was unhappy, nor was the collective questioned. Because people who are incompetent and people who are appointed with the intention of collapsing the system, make decisions about such important things, that’s why we are where we are today. That man is Aleksandar Vučić, and through his minister, who does not ask anything, he tried again to tell the doctors who is the main one in the country ”, concludes Rade Panić.
