CONFESSION OF FATHER MLADIC SUSPECTED OF MURDER IN BANJICA “My sons FUCKED IN SELF DEFENSE, the conflict was preceded by a fight and stabbing with a knife”


Ranko Rakočević, father of the brothers suspected of the murder of Filip L. (18) and the wounds of Aleksa Đ. (21), says his sons fired at their attackers in self-defense.

As Rakočević says for Pink, yesterday’s shooting, which occurred around 5 in the afternoon at Oslobođenja Boulevard at number 106, was preceded by a series of events involving her children. As you point out, this shooting is just a combination of circumstances that your children found themselves in and that they did not intend to commit any crime.

Rakocevic says that as a father, you must react and inform the public about all the events that have happened to your family in recent days.

– Last weekend at the “Lola bistro” bar in Banjica, my two sons Uroš and Petar Rakočević were sitting at the bar with friends. The moment they paid the bill and went home, Uroš went to the bathroom; Rakočević started his story for, who further says that upon returning from the bathroom, Uroš noticed that something was happening at the bar.

– Upon his return, he noticed Luka Perenčević standing by the bar and observing the incident that was happening. At that moment, Uroš saw the cup hit Petra on the forehead, as he made his way towards his brother with his bare hands. Then Luka Perencevic approached him from behind and stabbed him six times in the back. Uroš did not notice the stabbing that threatened his life at the time, and Luka continued walking towards my other son Petra with a knife in hand, which no one noticed yet. When he stabbed Petar twice in the abdomen, Petar noticed the knife and grabbed it with his bare hands, defending himself, which was later proven by the medical findings, says Rakočević, explaining that at that point his son Petar managed to steal the knife from Luka. but that he received a blow to the head with a bottle, after which he lost consciousness and, as he explains, the attackers used it and fled the bar.

– Only after the attack on them, my children realized that they had been stabbed with a knife and asked for medical help at the Emergency Center, where they stopped the profuse bleeding in the stomach and head – says Rakočević.

“Fighting continues in Voždovac”

Rakočević further says that this is not the end of the clashes.

– While my children were lying in the emergency center, Luka Perencevic terrorized Banjica, physically harassing all of Peter and Uros’s friends by hitting them, threatening them, confiscating money and mobile phones, demanding that they recognize the address where my two children live. They asked to be summoned and lured to kill them immediately on the spot, continues the father of the three young people arrested.

A flower shop in Banjica caught firePhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

A flower shop in Banjica caught fire

Rakočević further explains that his son Petar was the first to stop treatment at the Emergency Center and that he later found out about what was happening in Voždovac.

– Meanwhile, upon learning of the activity of the criminal group, he immediately informed the third department of the MUP about all the facts, where he filed a criminal complaint against Luka Perenčević and others of that group – emphasizes Rakočević, adding that his children continued with the treatment.

– Petar and Uroš continued the bandage at the Banjica health center, and yesterday (September 5), considering it was a weekend, they performed the bandage at the Voždovac Health Center, on Krivolačka street, where he led them my eldest son Radovan. Returning to their home in Banjica, looking for a parking lot near their building where they live, they were suddenly attacked by armed people, where there was a contact that unfortunately ended fatally for the attackers. Fearing a new attack, my children left the scene and informed the third department about the event itself, as well as the place where the police arrived immediately – says Rakočević, emphasizing that there was no escape from the police, because, as he says, his sons did not plan any crime.

“I am worried about my family”

However, an hour after midnight, two Molotov cocktails were thrown near the place where the murder occurred. One was thrown into a fruit and vegetable store and the other into a flower shop. By the way, the owner of the flower shop is the sister of the suspects in the murder and injuries.

– This morning, unknown people in disguise set fire to a flower shop in Jajinci owned by my daughter, as well as a grocery store in Voždovo Kapija in Voždovac owned by my son Petar – Rakočević said worriedly.

VIDEO: Arrest of Murder Suspects in Banjica
