SCANDALOUS WAR CONTINUING Zerina publicly threatened Dado Glisic: I’ll put you where you belong, IN PRISON


Zerina Hećo’s new public speech to her emotional ex-partner, pop singer Dado Glišić, when she accused him of physically abusing her for a year and a half, raised a big dust in the public.

Zerina It is, he says, the first time that he opens his soul to the spectators Pink tv on a special program and told everything he says happened during his relationship with Father, looked at what was written and talked about after the guest appearance. She was more irritated by Glišić’s statements, to which she could not remain silent, so she addressed via Instagram.

Photo: Private Archive, PrintscreenYouTube

Dear yes there are you, and I know there are not many of you, I just skimmed everything that happened on Pink’s show today, I’m not shocked, I’m not even sad, I’m empty. Is it possible that this man has given so many statements and contradictions after all, that nothing is clear to people yet? Is it possible, man, that you hate me so much? Look, I’m alive, this last thing you wrote to help me – please don’t help me anymore, I’ll help you. Taking into account that my mother, as you call her, did not want to help you, whom you listened to and followed, so she brought you here with your mother, and unfortunately I am not mine when it comes to you, we will say this: I will put you where you belong – to jail, there they will help you, there no one will beat you – Zerina began, and then continued:

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

– There you can sing, both in the cell and in the dining room, and I mean walking. You will also receive psychiatric help, so I hope that in those few years that you receive it you will come to your senses … Although I’m not sure again. But here I will help you. No problem. I didn’t attack you, I had to defend myself for Sarah who starts school the day after tomorrow and I have to show the law and people not to lie because you called her mother a drug addict, bipolar, self-harming, so you posted pictures of her mother. who vomits after tormented therapy, with allegations that I am in an alcoholic state along with the person who is now her friend. You hang out, I don’t care … And then you offer me help at the end? Say hello to the lawyer because I don’t know what she will use to defend you, just to cover your head with a towel – said Zerina.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

Author: DT
