Šarčević: Postponement of the beginning of the school year is only possible on the territory of Kosovo


The Minister of Education, Mladen Šarčević, declared that the postponement of the beginning of the school year is only possible in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.

Šarčević told TV Prva that the situation in northern Kosovo is satisfactory, but that the situation in the enclaves is not the best.

“The situation in the enclaves of Kosovo and Metohija is not the best for us, because measures are not being implemented there like in central Serbia. We will probably move in a week or two. The authorities in Pristina have decided to postpone the start of the school year. but our students will have it online teaching, “said Šarčević.

Jasmina Dedić, director of the School Administration of the Serbian Ministry of Education for Kosovo, confirmed yesterday to Kossev that classes starting on September 1 in Serbian educational institutions in Kosovo will probably be organized online.

He also said that Kosovo schools have been given a greater degree of autonomy to, depending on the epidemiological situation on the ground, which is constantly changing, to decide which way to organize classes is the most favorable.

In Kosovo, the postponement of the start of the school year to September 14 was announced.

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