This is what the first results of the investigation showed


The fire that broke out in the family home in the village of Ljuljaci near Knić on Saturday night, in which the elderly Milena (82) and Lazar (80) Vučićević died, did not start.

These are the first results of the investigation that began last night, and continued and ended today. The chief prosecutor also ordered the bodies to be sent for an autopsy.

It is suspected that the tragic fire was caused by a failure in the chimney, since during the investigation it was determined that two cross beams in the attic caught fire, which were near the chimney that was obstructed. The cold days forced the elderly to build a fire a little stronger than usual, and so a fire broke out. The flames descended from the rafters to the ceiling construction of the room in which they were housed and engulfed the wooden panels.

Lazar was immobile and tied to the bed, and Milena was the one who took care of him the most. Three fire trucks and eight firefighters came to report the fire, but only found the lifeless bodies of two elderly people, who, presumably, suffocated from smoke in their sleep, and then burned.

Everyone in Ljulaci only has words of praise for the victims, Lazar used to work as a teacher and they left behind two daughters and grandchildren.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
