NOVAK: PLAY “I’m a boy from Kosovo”



12.12.2020. 07:05 – 12.12.2020. 07:13

“He ordered that song several times. He was also looking for some people. Of course he has an ear, he loves music and fun.”

Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic, Photo: Private archive

The sparrows of the branch also know the sporting and human qualities of Novak Djokovic. It is not unknown that Nole is also talented in the field of music, as confirmed by accordionist Petar Marić, who recently had the honor of touching Djoković’s ears at a private celebration. On that occasion, “I am a boy from Kosovo” was shouted at the initiative of the best tennis player in the world.

Novak and Petar on Tuesday in Belgrade

Novak and Petar on Tuesday in Belgrade, Photo: Instagram

As the world-famous accordion master for our newspaper reveals, this was not the first time that he had made Novak and his family members happy.

– We went out a few years ago in Monaco, he played my accordion even then. I know his father from some of the celebrations we have been to together. And I’ve known Nole since we were kids. On Wednesday they organized the celebration of the Davis Cup of the Serbian team, there were Troicki, Tipsarevic, Bozoljac and others … They called me to make their friendship more beautiful and color it with musical notes. At the end of the celebration, I asked Nole to take a photo and he asked her to try playing the accordion. He admitted that it is not as easy as it seems and we all joke about it – says Petar Marić.

Novak and Peter in Monaco

Novak and Petar in Monaco, Photo: Private archive

What did you order? Is there an ear for music?

– Asked for many popular songs. You know what real music is. He highlighted a new song by Milan Vasić “I’m a boy from Kosovo”, he asked me to play it several times. He has an ear, loves music and joy. He is talented and music and sports are known to be connected.

Peter – a world star

Maric is one of the most awarded Serbian accordionists. He is the world champion of electric harmonica, the winner of the World Cup, holder of numerous awards in national and European competitions. He also holds the title of Ambassador of Culture of the Republic of Serbia.

– The call happened unexpectedly, I made it in 45 minutes with him. I woke up that day like everyone else, without imagining that I would experience such a moment. The same feeling as when I won world titles, I enjoyed the moment. Not many people have the privilege of sitting down and hanging out with greats like Novak, the Serbian teacher notes.

What is he like as an accordionist?

– What can I say about him? He has a talent for everything he can achieve. The accordion is not easy to play, especially in the beginning. It takes a little time to practice. I have the best possible opinion of him, first as a man and then as an athlete. I also played when his Uncle Goran got married. I think Nole has no idea what his size really is, how normal, considerate, gentleman he is – says Petar Marić.

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